The person below me (TPBM)

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I do, but thats because I get £30 a week for simply attending college :lol:

TPBM's views on education getting too easy have just been backed up.. ;)
CC you so often say you are bored, I didn't need reconfirmation. I assure you that I was not bored when I went to college...AND WORKED TOO!

TPBM wonders about our next generation.
Actually I do. I think for the most part the youth of today lack respect, honor and dignity. A large amount of them wish to be gang banging thugs on the street and have not ambitions in life. Ofcourse not all of the youth are so but I think it is a shame, the way they the trends are going...

TPBM is glad that I have gotten off of my soap box and thinks that I am nuts for thinking what I do about the youth.
No I agree with you there. I believe it's because everyone must be P.C. or get sued these days.

TPBM is gonna say something random now.
No I don't. You clarified it as not being a universal stereotype. I'm more concerned about youth wanting instant gratification (girls, job, house, big money, new car, etc)

TPBM has poor outlook on the current older generation.
I am a member of the current crop of kids, and I fully understand the concerns of the older generations. However, it is an age-old thing for the elders to wonder about the youngsters, and I don't imagine that my generation will do the world too much harm.

TPBM had a speech impediment as a child.
I studdered sometimes when I'm really nervous, but it wasn't that bad.

TPBM was or still is anti-social.
yes, cause I'm 13 and i don't have any of those

TPBM thinks that Matt is always posting in this thread cause he has nothing to do
that's not true, he follows me around the site all the time :lol:

TPBM thinks getting money to attend college and then not using the money for stuff for school like it's supposed to be used is stupid..........
Yes I do. Especially if it is subject to interest. And Looma, I don't have anything to do. Other than work and my kids. I have no life. So I hang around you losers. :)

TPBM resembles that remark.
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