The Phone Scam You Don't Know About.

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That WAS funny! :):):)

But understand its not the phone company. They probably really don't know what it is because of regulations.

Its some third rate company that provides (they say) some type of service that is billed through the phone company. Like an answering service or third-rate internet service. Thats what kills me. The phone company can't remove the bill because its not their bill, its another company and until I can get ahold of them, $16 out my pocket every month.

There is something wrong with this picture IMO. I don't think that the phone company should be able to bill you for anything that you don't actually dial up on their hardware. If it is a legitimate provider of some service they should bill you directly, not piggy-back on the phone company. What is to prevent any fly-by-night company from sending a bogus bill to the phone company to pass on to you?

{On that note Njaco I had my own company "Scams-Я-Us" forward a charge for $500 to your phone company to put on your bill!}
Ok, guys it gets better. Just noticed a $500 bill under that "Other Provider" heading. Tracked to some transvestite sex toy shop in Canada.

I have something similar over here.

Have a standing water pipe for this building. It is in case there is a fire, the Fire Company can access the water needed to fight the fire. The standpipe never pushes any water out of it. Just sits there waiting to be used.

The Water Company hits me with a $70 a month charge for the standpipe. Not a thing in the world I can do about it. The Pa Govt mandated the standpipe and then ok'd the water company hitting me with a $70 a month charge.

Granted, we're a business and it's part of doing business. But I paid for the installation of the standpipe. The Water Company is just screwing us (with the help of the state assembly).
Man how I'd love to just bust into one of those garages that these freaking lowlifes are hiding in!

Njaco I'm looking forward to hearing about how you will deal with this, I hope you get those bastards behind bars!
Talking about taking action. A guy here in SA was asking for his ID document for years and never got a answer so he held them at gun point with a toy gun and they gave his ID document to him very quick, but they arrested the poor guy and the public saw him as a hero.

No one is safe anymore.

The company that do our phone line and broadband billed us for 5 months for a service we did not use, so me and mom went to sort out her bill and a bid of harsh words and some proof and we got it all sorted out. F*ckers, they hate me and I hate them to.
Ok, things may be good.

Because of the heavy workload I wasn't able to follow up but my pre-wife did! And if there is anything that she is rabid about is tracking money! She called the original company - whose only service is as a subscriber to a ISP. ? - and was told we had "signed" up for the service in early April. She strongly told them that we had done no such thing and wanted it removed. The call-taker was going to credit $50 on the bill but that didn't jive because the bill was around $63. She was told that was for taxes. And she replied taxes for something that wasn't real? In the end, the total was credited and she let him know that she knew about the company from the numerous complaints posted on the net. He said if there was any further problems, to contact him.

I'm holding my breath.

frickin' scammers are everywhere. Its amazing!
Got to work yesterday and the boss showed me that we have been paying a game reserve in a other province phone bill. We saw this last month and now again with the last phone bill we got and it has been going on for a while now ans we did complain.

Hate the filth on this earth.

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