The Picture Riddle.....

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Car's a bit unfair to be honest
there's a lot of US/European members who've probably never even heard of one, let alone seen one and there's not alot of picture for even the Brit members to go on

Rover SD1

Lucky is sooooo close with the Rolls-Royce Merlin

think de-tuned...
I'm pronouncing this one dead

Rolls-Royce Meteor

A Merlin without the supercharger, fast enough for me though...
It was used in tanks I believe
Here's a better pic of the install during the build. As you can see, owing to the rearwards intrusion the dashboard is ancient history. Notwithstanding that, it's a tidy, professional job. It was featured, without a hint of irony, in a UK car mag called 'Practical Performance Car'


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Got to admit, in the first pic, the car didn't look like the SD1, but I should have known the engine! I've tripped over enough of them, laying alongside Centurions having a pack change at my mate's place!

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