I hear what you're saying, but still think it doesn't need to be too graphic. A true realistic portrayal of war would shock most people and I certainly wouldn't want my children to see war in every gory detail. There can be a balance, but young children can get traumatized easily by graphic images. I would just assume that my kids never see the horrors of war, whether through the media, museums and especially the real thing.
The air war in WWI was particularly brutal as air wars go. While there was chivalry displayed by both sides, there was also brutality by both sides. Having seen some of those crates they took aloft in museums, it is a wonder anyone survived! Having no parachutes was even more crazy. I could not imagine having an airplane on fire, falling from altitude while you burned. It's funny how it got so romanticized. But maybe one who survived so many aerial engagements in that environment deserves a little admiration.
The air war in WWI was particularly brutal as air wars go. While there was chivalry displayed by both sides, there was also brutality by both sides. Having seen some of those crates they took aloft in museums, it is a wonder anyone survived! Having no parachutes was even more crazy. I could not imagine having an airplane on fire, falling from altitude while you burned. It's funny how it got so romanticized. But maybe one who survived so many aerial engagements in that environment deserves a little admiration.