The Wasserfall Ferngelenkte Flakrakete (Waterfall, Remote-Controlled Anti-Aircraft Missile),was a World War II guided surface-to-air missile developed at
Peenemünde, Germany. In spite of considerable development, Wasserfall never became operational. It sure could have been effective against an Allied
bomber stream I would think. In March, of 1944, the Allies bombed Berlin, after getting the new P-51 long range fighter. This drew up and the destroyed the
Luftwaffe and paved the way for D-Day, because it gave the Allies total air supremacy (source: PBS doc called Bombing Germany) .
Had this SAM be used instead, it would slowed Allied progress a lot, assuming it was effective. This was just another of Hitler's blunders. What I have read
about Hitler during this period, is that he was being given speed, along with other drugs. And other strange things, like ground up bull testicles. So, his
judgement was very impaired. I realize he had never been a stable or rational man, even before the drugs.
Hitler viewed the missile as defeatist and it was never deployed. Despite its potential to destroy a bomber stream. After Stalingrad, Hitler seemed to get even
more disconnected from reality. Then Himmler began to build up his Waffen SS, into a very potent force. Himmler had no trouble recruiting soldiers for the
war in the east, from the occupied countries, or again so the story goes. A lot of people would have liked to get rid of Uncle Joe.
Peenemünde, Germany. In spite of considerable development, Wasserfall never became operational. It sure could have been effective against an Allied
bomber stream I would think. In March, of 1944, the Allies bombed Berlin, after getting the new P-51 long range fighter. This drew up and the destroyed the
Luftwaffe and paved the way for D-Day, because it gave the Allies total air supremacy (source: PBS doc called Bombing Germany) .
Had this SAM be used instead, it would slowed Allied progress a lot, assuming it was effective. This was just another of Hitler's blunders. What I have read
about Hitler during this period, is that he was being given speed, along with other drugs. And other strange things, like ground up bull testicles. So, his
judgement was very impaired. I realize he had never been a stable or rational man, even before the drugs.
Hitler viewed the missile as defeatist and it was never deployed. Despite its potential to destroy a bomber stream. After Stalingrad, Hitler seemed to get even
more disconnected from reality. Then Himmler began to build up his Waffen SS, into a very potent force. Himmler had no trouble recruiting soldiers for the
war in the east, from the occupied countries, or again so the story goes. A lot of people would have liked to get rid of Uncle Joe.