The Weather Where You Live?

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A little bit colder at last. But still warm - 21°C. However clouds are in the sky and rainfalls are predicted this afternoon.
Rain, rain and rain.
We got the worst flood in the rivers here for 35 years.
makes my work as a rescue dispatcher on 112, a bit interesting...
The temperature went down and now it is 12°C only. It rains frequently. Is that the end of the summer? I hope it isn't.
Had to wear a jacket today. It's too soon. I was going to say I hate climate change, but I remember it snowing in Mid-August
in the mid-fifties and the fireplace in the Varsity Dance Hall in Sylvan Lake was burning for a week.
Saw the sun for 3/4 of an hour just before sunset last night for the first time in days. Cloudy today but warmer.

The sun's back for the rest of the week and the temps are in the mid to upper 20s C.
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