The Weather Where You Live?

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Wayne is some 2000 km south of me and well out of the tropics so he will not get any of that type of weather. We in the tropics are both praying for and dreading a cyclone.
They say a pictures worth 1000 words so attached are some pictures taken at my home in Queensland. It looks bad but my family are far far better off than many others, including those as far south as Wayne.
Incidentally the wet season in our tropics officially starts in November.


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Wayne seen some news this evening and the place is literally burning up to which I bet some wish for a decent tropical system to put some of those fires out! Kevin

Yeah we have some full on raging bushfires going on down here in SA as well as in Victoria, Queensland and New South Wales with State of Emergency declared and in place there too. Deaths have occurred with Mass evacuations happening in some of the affected areas. With some having to go to the coast and be evacuated by the Navy.
We have had a number of 40C plus days and high winds pushing fires along at a fast pace.

Yet today it's cloudy, bit windy and only 24C
Glad to hear everything for the most part is well 2005 last real hurricane for us should be happening before long.

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