The Weather Where You Live?

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Right now we're under a tornado warning until 10pm local time. There are five tornado warnings (meaning tornado has been sighted), the closest of which is 15 miles from here. My dog and I are hunkered down at my mom's house, which is much safer due to being a limestone house set into a declivity, compared to my trailer, located on high and generally clear ground. We'll be staying here until the watches and warnings have abated.

Haven't heard any thunder in ten minutes or so, which is muy bueno.
Stay safe, mate.
A heavy rain cough us by surprise!!!

Spring has broken open here in CenTex. Upper 80sF, clear skies, breezy, and the bluebonnets are popping up. It's the prettiest time of year, here.

I'll put up some pics once flower season is in full bloom; it's a gorgeous riot of colors.
Yesterdays forecast 7 am rain arrived at 6 pm and was only 2.5 mm = 1/10 inch.

Somewhere local must have got a lot tho because I had to do a detour on the way to my doctor this morning. Lucky I was running 1/2 hour early so I could breakfast before the docs.


Nothing serious tho - 2013 it not only went over all the trees but also over the utility poles on the top of the far bank. Officially 28 metres = about 93 feet
That is because you are in the dead centre of Australia and all the politicians and all their hot air have left town ;)

That high is cooler than our overnight lows in the Wide Bay Burnett


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