The Weather Where You Live?

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Yesterday, got the mower stuck in the yard and then the van, trying to to pull it out. I was trying to beat todays alleged severe weather. The weather guessers have been whining about "the drought" but have never asked me about how soft the yard is. If I don't get it cut, it will be weeks before good weather again and the grass is already greening. Enough complaining, back to model building.
Whenever things don't go right, reclosing to model building it the correct answer
Weather here is nothing like forecast for last two days and so far today (it is 7:30 am Thursday here)
Last two days forecast was storms with up to 300 mm in 6 hours. One place got 390 mm on Tuesday, there is major flooding in Gympie - 2 hours south - and we got 1/2mm Tuesday and 0.1 mm yesterday.
Today is 100% clear blue skies and they have moved the boundary of the severe weather warning 100 km south since last night.
A little rain would be nice.

For scale the distance from Kingaroy to 1770 is 267 km as the crow flies
The thunder and rain started at midnight and we have 57mm so far (05:30)

06:45 Update We are in the middle of this triangle and very pleased that we only have 61mm so far. Neighbor has 140mm as of 06:30
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Been a tad wet here of late in Brisbane. We had 850mm (33+ inches) of rain at my place in 3 - 4 days.
A couple days above freezing and the boy is tuning up his motorcycle.
I sometimes miss the days I used to ride. Lower back and hips just won't let me do it no more. I do admit, it's been pretty nice up here in the Frozen Tundra, aka Minnesota the last few days. Now here's the typical Minnesotan reply "Were gonna pay for these last couple nice days:("
I already am. The snowmelt runs down my driveway, pools against the garage door and then freezes in the shade. I've lost one weather strip already.

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