The Weather Where You Live?

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Nice day today, but Spicewood now (almost midnight) is at ground-zero for one hell of a thunderstorm, been running solid for 30 minutes. Constant cloud-lightning, and regular ground-bolts, the closest of which (by the one-mississippi method) was about 2000 foot away. The drainage ditches, about two foot deep, have filled up in the last half-hour. Tornado watch for our end of Travis county until 0100 hrs, so I'm at Mom's where the house is sheltered by a declivity.

Judging from radar, it looks like a gully-washer.
I hope you make through okay. Let's hope the storm just takes out that neighbor's unsightly lawn ornament.
Nice day today, but Spicewood now (almost midnight) is at ground-zero for one hell of a thunderstorm, been running solid for 30 minutes. Constant cloud-lightning, and regular ground-bolts, the closest of which (by the one-mississippi method) was about 2000 foot away. The drainage ditches, about two foot deep, have filled up in the last half-hour. Tornado watch for our end of Travis county until 0100 hrs, so I'm at Mom's where the house is sheltered by a declivity.

Judging from radar, it looks like a gully-washer.
By the crow, I'm only about 12 miles from Spicewood. Watched the same 'hail' band march through last night. Got lucky. Only a spattering of small, pea size, hail for a minute or two. But did get the 1.25" of much needed rain.
By the crow, I'm only about 12 miles from Spicewood. Watched the same 'hail' band march through last night. Got lucky. Only a spattering of small, pea size, hail for a minute or two. But did get the 1.25" of much needed rain.

It ended up pissing down here for about 45 minutes. No hail at all. Rained steadily until I went to bed around quarter to three. Lake still looks miserably thirsty and will until we get an El Niño season or two.
We have been having a lot of T-storms here. Looks rather like the wet season started almost a month early.

This morning I was eating breakfast and watching a Star Wars fan-made video on Youtube. These two guys were having an old fashioned Western style quick draw fight. They drew! And there was a brilliant flash of light - from behind me! Pow! BOOOOM! It was a sudden T-storm, of course, but for a moment there I thought, "This might be fan-made but the special effects are excellent!"
Last week we had some hazardous weather come through. A small tornado or something hit our airport, with these results. The Piper Warrior with the wing off was being used for oarts and apparently got tossed atop the other one. The little LSA was tossed upside down.

Right now I have thunderstorms and snow. Like serious snow! This is 2 minutes after it started. Took me that long to get my camera up and running!


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Last week we had some hazardous weather come through. A small tornado or something hit our airport, with these results. The Piper Warrior with the wing off was being used for oarts and apparently got tossed atop the other one. The little LSA was tossed upside down.

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When I was a 3rd lesson student at the Navy Memphis Flying Club we had a mini twister come across the field one day, snatching one of a row of tied down Cessna 150s and twisting it into scrap metal without apparent damage to its neighbors. For my lesson next day I was sent out to preflight the plane parked next to the victim, and after thorough, close inspection, told my instructor it was ready to fly. He stopped about 50 feet behind the plane and asked me to come over. "What's wrong with this picture?" Lo and beholden! The entire tail section was twisted about 3° to the right, too small a difference to notice up close, and not enough to make an obvious wrinkle in the aft fuselage skin. We didn't fly that day, though the club charged me for an hour flight lesson, in lieu of expelling me, which was the norm for egregious errors of that nature.
Our club mechanic ferried it over to the Cessna dealer's shop downtown and said it had to be flown cross controlled to keep it straight.
When Hurricane Erin hit in 1995 my Ercoupe was in the big hangar, undergoing a top overhaul. The storm ripped part of the roof off the hangar, and while my airplane was not hurt, others were not so lucky. A Cessna 150 got banged up and the vertical tail had about a 15 degree bend in it halfway up. The owner specified it be repaired at a airfield about 20 miels away and I was surprised when the FAA issued a ferry permit, specifying the flight would be only between the two airports and remain over water for the entire flight other than for takeoff and landing. I was even more surprised when the head A&P at the FBO agreed to fly it. He did not exceed 70 mph the whole time.
Topped out at 93 F (34 C) today, which is way to warm for this time of year. Chance of some severe storms tonight. We could use some rain for sure.

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