The Weather Where You Live?

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82°-88°F Tuesday thru Friday, this when I got up today. :rolleyes: Currently 31°F, light snow continuing throughout the day, with high winds overnight and possible blizzard conditions in some parts of the state.

Sunday 0700.jpg
today here (tarragona spain),
We have had a day of radiant sun with a temperature of 26º maximum, 22kw of electricity that we have produced with solar panels...
What has us in suspense is that since November the rain that has fallen has been trivial, insufficient, we are in climatological noaa, so the Atlantic current is diverted outside of Spain, so the rains pass over it and it does not fall... Everything is very dry and it's not summer yet
Today now at dawn we finally have some rain!!! now 11ºc 51.8ºf, 2.5 hours of rain, it will fall a little about 10 liters per square meter, but in my area, which is the head of many underground waters, it means a lot because almost everything will go to groundwater levels and I can go without watering for another week and a half... we hope to have a maximum of 18ºc 64.4ºf, clear with cloudy intervals and the possibility of some scattered showers. the plates will make little electricity today...
Today now at dawn we finally have some rain!!! now 11ºc 51.8ºf, 2.5 hours of rain, it will fall a little about 10 liters per square meter, but in my area, which is the head of many underground waters, it means a lot because almost everything will go to groundwater levels and I can go without watering for another week and a half... we hope to have a maximum of 18ºc 64.4ºf, clear with cloudy intervals and the possibility of some scattered showers. the plates will make little electricity today...
3°C here now, woke up to fresh snow.
After hitting over 80°F for 3 days last week we are scheduled for highs between 40°-50°F for the next week with lows overnight in the 28°-38°F range. A mix of light snow & rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

:shock: For anyone interested, Minnesota had snow flakes falling on 4 July 1933 - the flakes could be watched as they melted between a height of about 6 ft and the ground. The latest snowfall during summer that resulted in any accumulation on the ground was 1.5" on 4 June 1933 - it melted within a couple of hours.
After hitting over 80°F for 3 days last week we are scheduled for highs between 40°-50°F for the next week with lows overnight in the 28°-38°F range. A mix of light snow & rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow.

:shock: For anyone interested, Minnesota had snow flakes falling on 4 July 1933 - the flakes could be watched as they melted between a height of about 6 ft and the ground. The latest snowfall during summer that resulted in any accumulation on the ground was 1.5" on 4 June 1933 - it melted within a couple of hours.
I've been in Canada for quite a while now, and can recall at least 2 years when we had snow in every month. Typically, the 'real' snow ends around the May long-weekend, so we could still have another month yet. Good job I love skijoring :)
Snowing here ......again.... or still...... Was cycling last weekeend in 18C temperatures ... and probably will be again in a couple of days :)
54° here going to 78°(F)

Woke up to 46 degrees F this morning. Nice.

Nice day today, but Spicewood now (almost midnight) is at ground-zero for one hell of a thunderstorm, been running solid for 30 minutes. Constant cloud-lightning, and regular ground-bolts, the closest of which (by the one-mississippi method) was about 2000 foot away. The drainage ditches, about two foot deep, have filled up in the last half-hour. Tornado watch for our end of Travis county until 0100 hrs, so I'm at Mom's where the house is sheltered by a declivity.

Judging from radar, it looks like a gully-washer.

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