The Weather Where You Live?

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Heavy rains yesterday afternoon and early evening. Almost 4 inches. Two more days of rain. We are on flash flood watch. Manning the pumps.
On the other hand, up here we're in a serious drought,in fire country, and they're already beginning to poke their ugly heads up. This little thing popped up within the city limits --- town is a mile or so over the far ridge. They jumped on it real hard and fast, and it's out now. Listed as human caused. A hundred miles north of us there are close to 100 fires burning and evacuations on going. We also have serious flooding 150 miles West. It's looking like another uneasy summer in British Columbia.


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It's rained every day since I got home Saturday evening, which is fine because we need it. Cool spring weather too, mid-80s F.

Was reading earlier today that an El Niño cycle is setting up for this winter, meaning plenty of rain for us -- again, good as we've been in drought for a while. Lake Travis is at least 25' low, perhaps more, and the Pedernales River has been a series of isolated pools for seven or eight months now.
Just saw a report on the local news channel on California's drought situation.

Our snowpack is at record depths, lakes, rivers and streams at rexord levels, but the south-eastern portion of the state is still in a state of "historic and unprecedented drought conditions".

Uh, hello ya' dumbasses, the south-eastern part of the state is a desert.
They named it "Death Valley" for a reason...

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