The Weather Where You Live?

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They've been forecasting 100+ for days now and we've only it 99 for three days in a row. Dem bums can't get nuttn right.

They pegged us for 98-99 the last three days, and all were +100. Austin weatherboys, they don't care about anything west of Mopac or north of 620. They could at least get us one of those hot weathergals in a tight dress, it'd make the mistakes easier to take, damn it.

We've got boomers off to the west right now, but I don't think they'll get here.
Dayum. I thought it was just us. Woke up to .7°C yesterday and cranked the furnace up too. Southern B.C. is getting snow in the higher elevation passes. Should be a fun drive on the Coquihalla with summer tires on

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