The Weather Where You Live?

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Local yokel speakess dictionary, how quaint! I was raised by my dad who hailed from Bethel Oklahoma, look it up, go ahead, I'll wait. Between him and my three uncles and four aunts, good golly miss Molly!

Ya goes up yander a fer bit, you'll sees a road on yer left, don't takes that un. Next one, that's the one ya wants!!!!
Yup. Da one where da Johnson's barn yusta be.
It's averaged around 32c (90f) here in Norfolk for the past 9 days, with around 40c (104f) in my "Tin Tent".
That might seem normal for some parts of the World, but for the UK it's a bit oppressive, especially as there isn't any breeze at all.
The '66 Mustang I currently own, was from a rural county (Trinity County) and is a former navigational aid. It sat in a field for many years before I got it and was part of the directions to Indian Creek Lodge.

"Go down the road a ways and take the side road just past the old white Mustang..."

Not sure what they used as a replacement, since there wasn't an old Oak tree, mailbox or other notable feature along that stretch.
Maybe there's still poor souls lost and wandering because of me!

You and Greg are lucky then because you do not need an interpreter then when reading Non Sequitur


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