The Weather Where You Live?

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Yes....cold. -21°C/Wind chill -32°C
Am in Calgary... current air temperature is -29.... but the windchill is -46C right now. Which is one of the coldest reading in my 40-odd years here (in my estimate). It's balaclava and ski goggles weather, no skin exposed..... oh joy
When I first moved here in '85, the entire month of November was -40 as was the following February. I was working in a sawmill piling lumber in an open shed….bloody cold. The worst windchill I felt was in a coal mine, -53. Looks like we'll get up to a balmy -12 on Monday but that's the start of three days of snow
-30 right now. 40 below boots, snowmobile gloves, toque, Stanfields and hoodie and you're good to go….out to the truck
It's getting ridiculous here....... currently -31C air temp / -41C windchill ... tomorrow the windchill will be below -40C all day ... and tomorrow night it will reach -50C. This will be maybe the 3rd time I've ever seen it that cold. Frostbite will set in in under a minute on exposed skin currently. I am not planning on doing a whole lot

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