The Weather Where You Live?

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-Living in the lee of the Sierra Nevada mountains isn't too bad. It has been a warm summer, not exceptional, even a little rain. The average humidity hovers around 7% so rain is sparse and infrequent. The temperature has been in the high 80s-low 90s (low 30s C) but we're having an August "cold snap" to daily high in the low 70s (low 20s C).
-On the other hand... Are earthquakes considered weather? Nevada is the third most geologically active state on the continent after Alaska and California. This Wednesday there was a flurry of minor quakes, 1.9-2.2, just south of us. This morning we got four quakes between 0645 and 0900 PST, 3.0, 3.3, 4.3 and 2.9. They were all just to the east of the largest ammunition depot in the US in Hawthorne, NV. Get your Comp B shaken, not stirred!
-We're also very close to the Long Valley Caldera. See: Long Valley Caldera - Wikipedia
-I'll write more later. Maybe.
-Living in the lee of the Sierra Nevada mountains isn't too bad. It has been a warm summer, not exceptional, even a little rain. The average humidity hovers around 7% so rain is sparse and infrequent. The temperature has been in the high 80s-low 90s (low 30s C) but we're having an August "cold snap" to daily high in the low 70s (low 20s C).
-On the other hand... Are earthquakes considered weather? Nevada is the third most geologically active state on the continent after Alaska and California. This Wednesday there was a flurry of minor quakes, 1.9-2.2, just south of us. This morning we got four quakes between 0645 and 0900 PST, 3.0, 3.3, 4.3 and 2.9. They were all just to the east of the largest ammunition depot in the US in Hawthorne, NV. Get your Comp B shaken, not stirred!
-We're also very close to the Long Valley Caldera. See: Long Valley Caldera - Wikipedia
-I'll write more later. Maybe.
Good stuff there. I like how they had to change the name of the alternate route from Mammoth Escape Route to Mammoth Scenic Loop.
It's all in the branding.
I'm about to pit the roof on the air-compressor shed and a storm is moving in (of course), just like this time last year, when I was about to put the roof on the tool shed.
This storm, however, is much colder with winter storm warnings in effect for the Cascades and Sierras (which surround me) and the current daytime temp is 78° (25.5C), which is about 20 degrees below average.
Wear a sweater.
Perfect evening to end the final walk of day. It was 70's with a light breeze. Ran into my SIL and had a nice chat.
Another very nice summer's day here. :) 84°F/29°C with 61% humidity and light winds of ~8 mph. Cool in the shade and not particularly muggy. Not quite as nice as the last few days (I prefer things on the cool side) but still very enjoyable. Unfortunately, the next couple days are supposed to be getting into the low 90s with high humidity.
The storm last night left a carpet of snow on the surrounding mountains and today felt like a Autumn day, except it wasn't dark before dinner.

However, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled summer by Monday, with daytime temps in the mid-90s (35C).

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