The Weather Where You Live?

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83°F/28°C today, with 60% humidity, partly cloudy. Quite nice. Supposed to follow the same pattern for the next 5 days, then drop to normal fall weather with highs in the low-70s (°F) with a bit lower humidity.
Hurricane Helene was a big nothing here. We got a lot of wind, but no gusts over 50 kts as far as I know, Rain yesterday was intense but very short on the two or three occasions it occurred, amounting to only about 0.3 inches. But up at my brother's in Augusta GA it is a different story. The track of the storm came much closer to them than predicted and many of the houses in his neighborhood have trees resting on them and there are some big trees across the roads. They lost one of the trees in their front yard and there are downed limbs all over the back yard but the house was untouched. They had a small leak in the roof and the power went out at about 0500.
Just talked to my brother in Augusta on the phone. He says that probably 40% of the houses are damaged by falling trees. I was able to bring up the local newspaper webpage up there and they report that 99% of the electric customers in their county are without power. The adjacent county has 93.9% of customers without power. Roads are almost impassible. Recovery is going to take a while.

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