The What is it? Game

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Yep, I was going to offer T-6/Harvard/Texan the first time around, but got fooled by what I thought was a wing fold too !
Jim, the Viper's were only in the outboard nacelles - the landing gear bay occupied the space in the inboard nacelles. Here's the retractable intake ramp, and the jet pipe on the starboard outer of the Newark Air Museum example.


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  • C Fest 056.jpg
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Good pics Terry, much clearer than mine, mid you, I took them years ago on an old film camera. Haven't been to Newark in years; the last time I did was during a Canberra day - when I took that photo and Roland Beamont was there talking about the Canberra. very cool.
not a P-36 or a Curtiss product, gotta go take a ballroom dance lesson with my girl Mattie
Wirraway it is, I'm away from home, will post the picture tomorrow. All your' s Graugeist
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