The What is it? Game

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Le Blackburn Francais Ug 1y ........ seen that nose before, and the design looks French, but don't know what it is without searching, and that would be cheating. Possibly a Nord design ?
Close enough! Aerocentre NC 1071 (With updated nose). Good going! The tarmac is yours.

SNCAC NC 1071 - 1948.jpg
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It was supposed to be a carrier bomber. They even made a radial engined version.

I don't know Terry. My mind might be changing. Might be some money to be made kitting these unusual French planes in 1/72. least I would buy them. :lol:
That was a lucky guess - but then I remembered you provided a pic for my P-47 build too, so it clicked !

OK, try this one.


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