Actually, the Curtiss SC-1 was a single-seat and the SC-2 was a two-seater.
The subject in the game's photograph is a SC-1 - this is a SC-2:
View attachment 538330
I am pretty sure that the above image you have called an SC-2 is instead a standard SC-1, in Hawaii, in 1946.
The subject of the photograph I posted as a query in the game is BuNo 119529, which is, I believe, an SC-2 (
NH 87993 Curtiss SC-2 (BU no. 119529) ). That should be the first SC-2 produced, after the XSC-1 which had a very similar canopy. That photo was taken at PAX in September of 1947, or at least the wet print copy I have is so labeled as well as the web link above. I have seen images of at least one, and probably two, other aircraft with the same bubble canopy (but other varied features) and in the BuNo spread of the SC-2. I have not managed to find images of all the SC-2's produced to see if they all have the bubble canopy or not.
Below is a picture of the next SC-2 in series, BuNo 119530, also at PAX. Note it has the blown bubble canopy also and the location f the antenna mast. I have seen images of this aircraft on a ship, I think it was on BB-63 in 1948 or 49, and it was equipped with the same canopy at that time.
The production SC-1 had a very different canopy from the bubble shown in the picture I posted. It has noticeable bows. This is how more than 500 of the SC-1's were equipped.
Of course, it is possible that the canopy in the pictures I posted as SC-2's were a mod done at PAX after production, I have no information on that, but if so it was done to more than one SC-2 and it was used this way in the fleet after that. Every confirmed (by BuNo) SC-2 picture I have seen has the bubble canopy, while the SC-1 had the bowed canopy as in the picture you posted and the two examples of SC-1 I posted above. Also, the antenna mast on the SC-1's was forward and tall, while the SC-2's were aft and port side, and some were shorter.