Things that can piss you off

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just curious, familie living in Germany have a bird nearly every holiday but have never said what it is cooked or stuffed with ..........sounds yummie, better than the US version - turkey .......... arg !

Last one is very true!!!

What about looking for some tool or device at home that is absolutely necessary to have another device search for hours, and in some cases for days. All rooms, shelfs, doors, compartments.

You give up, and say "well, it is about time to buy a replacement" go to the store buy the item; you return home, and without making any search, you see the "lost" item is comfortably located on top of the dining table.

How about people who you are talking to who CANNOT ignore their cellphone ringing. Like Pavlov's respose. Phone rings and they immediately cease all concentration on your conversation to answer the phone.

"Oh high Judy, how are you doing? What am I doing? Oh nothing, just..."

Burns me up.
I agree!

Cellphones...i´ve come to hate hate the devices...nowadays everyone feels "Mr. Important" (or "Miss Important"), they can not exist without the toy by their sides. The world suddenyl found itself loaded with very important people. Cellphone companies and their advertising can be quite annoying. You can read or hear the most ridiculous advertising methods..."Speak and be happy".

If those millions of users were asked how much of the calls made or received where of actual importance, 1 out of 10 would seem to much.

At work, they usually give me most common practice is to put it in the dustbin first thing when returning home.

There are two ways to contact me: (1) personally -usually on my daily attendace at work-, and (2) personally -when not at work-.
You do that too, huh? If late at night, I sometimes ask them if I can have their home phone number to call them back later that night. They invariably inform me that they cannot. And then I respond, "Now you know how I feel", and then hang up.

Pringles containers which contain crumbs. How the f*** can you mishandle a chip container that is made of hard cardboard and whose chips are perfectly stacked to minimize movement. Someone must go outta their way to bang the Godd*** thing around just to personally piss me off. AND I RARELY BUY PRINGLES!!!!!
>>Things that can piss you off<<

Not to sound like a tree hugger but isn't great to be relatively wealthy? No one has said, "being hungry, afraid of being stabbed, having your kids kidnapped."

My pet peeve: When a service industry person replies to a "thank you" by saying "No problem."

Well gee, I'm glad I didn't inconvenience you by handing me that burger... I'm glad it wasn't a problem for you to do my dry cleaning.

"No problem." How did that get started?


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