This Day in the War in Europe: The Beginning

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08 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

R Boat DKM R-79, R-80

Acceptor Class MSW USS LIMPKIN (AMc-48)

Acceptor Class MSW USS LORIKEET (AMc-49)

Dance Class ASW Trawler HMS COVERLEY (T-106)

Mk2 Class LCT HMS LCT 131



St Naszaire: U-97

At Sea 08 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-74, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-83, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-126, U-129, U-139 U-142, U-144, U-146, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-372, U-431, U-451, U-551, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-751

40 Boats

Swedish steamer VENERSBORG was damaged by RAF bombing in the Great Belt, and towed to a Danish port.

East Front

Izyaslav Class DD KARL MARX (VMF 1350 grt)was sunk by the LW near Reval.
Izyaslav Class DD  KARL MARX (VMF 1350 grt).jpg

North Sea

CLA CURACOA departed Scapa Flow to escort convoy WN.63 from Pentland Firth southward. She arrived at Rosyth on the 11th to clean boilers and carry out repairs.

MSW SELKIRK was damaged by a near miss by the LW in the Nth sea.

Northern Patrol
ORP DD GARLAND arrived at Hvalfjord with ASW trawler SEALYHAM and oiler OLIGARCH, and then reverted to the Western Approaches Command.

Northern Waters
DD PUCKERIDGE arrived at Scapa Flow from Rosyth to work up. DD ACTIVE departed Scapa Flow for Rosyth for boiler cleaning. The DD arrived on the 9th. DD CROOME departed Scapa Flow for Liverpool on completion of work up exercises, and arrived during the afternoon of the 9th.

DDs HERO and JAGUAR departed Alexandria for Mersa Matruh to intercept an enemy supply ship reported by air. No contact was made and the DDs returned to Alexandria, arriving on the 9th.

DDs DECOY and HOTSPUR were at sea exercising with submarine OTUS.

Sloop FLAMINGO departed Port Said with MV SALAMAUA for Famagusta in Serial S.16 of the GUILLOTINE operation. The sloop arrived at Famagusta on the 10th and sailed for Port Said, where she arrived on the 11th. Serial S.17 of the Operation was cancelled.

Nth Atlantic

The convoy entered Scapa Flow on the 10th. Steamers SUFFOLK and POTARO were in a collision when entering Scapa Flow. DDs DOUGLAS, LEAMINGTON, GEORGETOWN, and SALADIN arrived at Scapa Flow on the 15th to strengthen the escort for the convoy.

When the operation was cancelled, the ships, less SUFFOLK and POTARO, sailed for the Clyde on the 15th, escorted by DDs DOUGLAS, LEAMINGTON, INTREPID, CHARLESTOWN, CASTLETON, GEORGETOWN, ANTELOPE, SALADIN, and LEAMINGTON and anti-aircraft ship POZARICA.

The convoy arrived back in the Clyde on the 17th

Central Atlantic
DDs VANSITTART and VELOX joined CVL EAGLE and CL DUNEDIN at sea and escorted them to Freetown, arriving on the 10th.

Red Sea/Indian Ocean
Convoy BA.4 departed Bombay, escorted by AMC HECTOR, sloop CORNWALLIS, and aux PV DIPAVATI. The sloop and PV were detached on the 9th. The convoy was dispersed on the 12th.

Weather Squally.

0856-0920 hrs Air raid alert for three JU 87 Stuka dive-bombers which approach from the north and cross the coast over GrandHarbour before receding over Delimara without dropping any bombs. Hurricanes are scrambled; no engagement. Hurricanes of 185 Squadron are scrambled but raiders remain at 29000 feet and Hurricanes do not intercept. F/O Oliver bales out when his engine fails out at sea. He is rescued by a Float Swordfish.

1229-1241 hrs Air raid alert for three JU 87 Stuka dive-bombers which approach the Island from the north at 26000 feet, turn west over Gozo and change course on two more occasions before eventually crossing the Island from Ghain Tuffieha to St Paul's Bay without dropping any bombs. Hurricanes of 185 Squadron are scrambled but altitude of raiders prevents engagement.


ROYAL NAVY HM Submarine Thunderbolt arrived with aviation spirits for Malta.

AIR HQ Arrivals 1 Sunderland, 3 Blenheim. Departures 2 Beaufort, 3 Blenheim, 1 Sunderland. 69 SquadronStrike force patrols of Tunisian coast and western Ionian Sea. Reconnaissance of Tripoli and Misurata. Photoreconnaissance Catania port and aerodrome, Augusta and Syracuse. 38 Squadron 7 Wellingtons sent to attack Tripoli. A total of 16000lbs of high explosive bombs, 1500 lbs of anti-personnel bombs and 5280lbs of incendiaries were dropped on target from a height of 7000 feet, between 0155 and 0317 hrs, causing large fires and explosions. 105 Squadron 5 Blenheims sent to attack ships in Catania harbour causing underwater explosions near ships and the quay. 830 Squadron Fleet Air Arm Fulmar patrolled Gerbini and Catania area, dropped bombs on Gerbini aerodrome starting fires. It is believed that his Fulmar gave Malta a raidless night.

HAL FAR One Fulmar patrol over Catania and Gerbini, gunning five bombers and dropping one flash bomb. In a second Fulmar patrol in the afternoon three bombs are dropped on Gerbini starting two fires. The Fulmar flies on to Comiso and drops three bombs on the aerodrome; results not observed.
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09 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

Type 1938A DD DKM Z-28
Type 1938A  DD DKM Z-28.jpg

(image source: German Destroyers - Z28)

Flower Class Corvette HMS COWSLIP (K-196)
Flower Class Corvette HMS COWSLIP (K-196).jpg

Bar Class Boom Defence Vessel HMS BARBOUR (Z-169)

U-206 sank trawler OCEAN VICTOR (UK 206 grt) in the Icelandic fishing grounds. A crew of 13 was aboard, all of whom were to lose their lives in the attack. At 0528 hours the OCEAN VICTOR was hit by one torpedo from U-206 and sank immediately SE of Iceland. The trawler was reported missing after leaving Iceland

DD ELECTRA, her refitting completed, departed Sheerness at 0615 as additional escort for convoy FN.503. Steamer CORDENE (UK 2345 grt) in the convoy was sunk by the LW, but the entire crew was rescued. ELECTRA arrived at Scapa Flow on the 11th.
Steamer CORDENE (UK 2345 grt).jpg

Motor gunboat MGB.62 (RN 50 grt)was sunk in a collision in the NthSea.


Stormelo: U-142

Bergen: U-84
Horten: U-432
Kirkenes: U-81, U-652
Stormelo: U-145

At Sea 09 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-74, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-81, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-146, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-372, U-431, U-432, U-451, U-501, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-652, U-751

44 Boats

East Front

Type IID U.144 (KM 364 grt) was sunk by VMF submarine SC.307 in the Gulf of Bothnia.

Steamer GERTRUD III (Ger 210 grt) was sunk on a mine near Windau.

North Sea
Steamer GLENDALOUGH was damaged by the LW in the NthSea. She was initially towed to Yarmouth Roads, then to Hull

Northern Patrol
RNeN submarine O.14 departed Scapa Flow for the Faroes patrol.

Northern Waters
Norwegian steamer DAGNY I was sent by CL NIGERIA from Spitzbergen to Thorshavn, and safely arrived on the 7th. The steamer and whaler WASTWATER then departed on the 9th for Kirkwall. En route, Steamer DAGNY I (Nor 1392 grt)was attacked by the LW in 61-40N, 6-10W at 1430 on the 9th and sank at 0900 on the 10th in tow of trawler LEICESTERCITY. Two passengers were killed, and the survivors rescued by LEICESTERCITY. DD IMPULSIVE departed Scapa Flow on the 10th and proceeded to Thorshavn to embark the 61 survivors from the steamer. She arrived at 1800 and departed at 1930 for Scrabster, arrived there at 0700/11th and disembarked the volunteers. IMPULSIVE arrived back at Scapa Flow at 0840.

West Coast
Norwegian submarine B.1 was damaged by an explosion of her battery and ammunition while under repair at Blyth.

SW Approaches
Convoy HG.70 departed Gibraltar, escorted by DDs ERIDGE and AVONVALE, submarine CLYDE, corvettes BEGONIA, JASMINE, LARKSPUR, PIMPERNEL, and RHODODENDRON, and ASW trawlers LADY HOGARTH and LADY SHIRLEY. The trawlers were detached that night. DDs FAULKNOR joined the escort on the 10th as Senior Office Escort. She was returning to England for turbine repairs at Portsmouth. CLYDE was detached and arrived at Gibraltar on the 11th. On the 11th, DDs ENCOUNTER, NESTOR, sloop DEPTFORD, and corvette CONVOLVULUS joined. All but NESTOR of this group were detached that evening. On the 12th, BOREAS and WILD SWAN joined the escort. They had departed Gibraltar on the 11th with DDs DUNCAN and FORESTER, later joined by DD FURY, for an ASW sweep west. After the sweep, the two DDs proceeded to join HG.70. Sloop STORK joined the convoy on the 13th and was detached that evening. BOREAS and NESTOR were detached on the 13th, AVONVALE and ERIDGE on the 14th, and WILD SWAN on the 15th. They all arrived at Gibraltar on the 16th. DD COSSACK joined the escort on the 14th and was detached that night. DD DUNCAN, which departed Gibraltar on the 13th, and sloop BLACK SWAN joined the escort on the 15th. BLACK SWAN was detached on the 21st. DUNCAN arrived at Londonderry on the 20th; she departed on the 22nd for convoy OG.72 for the return to Gibraltar. The convoy arrived at Liverpool on the 23rd.

After a commercial aircraft sighted a suspicious merchant ship in 46-37N, 9-22W, DD WISHART, which had been detached from convoy HG.34F on the 8th, was directed to investigate. CLA HERMIONE also departed Gibraltar at 2330/9th to attempt to locate the merchant ship. On the 10th, CA LONDON, detached from convoy WS.10, also proceeded to this position. No contact was made by any of the searching warships. On the 11th, HERMIONE was ordered to return to Gibraltar, arriving on the 13th.

DDs JERVIS and KINGSTON departed Alexandria for Mersa Matruh, and returned to Alexandria on the 10th. DDs DECOY and HAVOCK departed Alexandria with supplies for Tobruk.

DDs KANDAHAR and RAN VENDETTA departed Alexandria to rescue a crew of a bomber in the sea about 180 miles NW of Alexandria, but were later recalled.

Submarine PARTHIAN arrived at Gibraltar from Malta. On the 11th, she departed Gibraltar for Portsmouth. On the 28th, she left Portsmouth and arrived at Portsmouth, New Hampshire on 16 September for refitting completed on 30 January 1942.

Central Atlantic
DD DUNCAN departed Gibraltar to join DDs WIVERN, WILD SWAN, and BOREAS, which had departed Freetown on the 3rd and refuelled at Bathurst, en route. WIVERN had developed condenser problems and was in tow. The four DDs arrived at Gibraltar on the 10th.

Submarine SEVERN sighted an Italian submarine in 35-16N, 10-09W, but the Italian submerged before SEVERN could attack.

Weather Squally.

No air raids. The enemy carried out some patrols off Sicily which Malta fighters twice attempted to intercept; no claims.


ROYAL NAVY 830 Squadron Fleet Air Arm 4 Swordfish left to attack large merchant vessel at Syracuse harbour. One torpedo was fired. Result unobserved, although pilot reported torpedo running true, when seen 1000 yards from target. Intense anti-aircraft fire prevented further attacks.
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10 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

MMSI Class Coastal MSW HMS MMS 35 (J-535)



Unknown: U-81, U-432, U-652

At Sea 10 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-74, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-146, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-372, U-431, U-451, U-501, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-751

40 Boats

Fishing Vessel H. A. W. MULLER (Ger 460 grt) was sunk by long range RAF air attacks near Lindesnes.

East Front

U-451 sank Guard Ship SKR 27 ZHEMCHUG (VMF 550 grt). At 2112 hrs the ZHEMCHUGwas hit by one torpedo from U-451 while on patrol duties between Sviatoj Nos Cape and Kanin Nos Cape (in the Barents Sea). The U-boat observed how the ship sank immediately west of Kanin Nos and later saw debris and two survivors, but all hands were lost. Only a life buoy of the ship was found ashore some days later.
Guard Ship SKR 27 ZHEMCHUG (VMF 550 grt).jpg

Sister ship SKR 28 "RUBY" also served with the Northern Fleet

North Sea
AA ship ALYNBANK departed Scapa Flow and escorted convoy WN.65 from Pentland Firth to Methil, where they arrived on the 11th.

West Coast
CL ARETHUSA arrived in the Clyde from Gibraltar.

DDs KANDAHAR and KIMBERLEY departed Alexandria for Mersa Matruh to act as a strike force. Originally, their orders called for an attack on Bardia harbour during the night of 10/11 August, but this was later cancelled. They returned to Alexandria on the 11th. DDs DECOY and HAVOCK departed Alexandria to carry supplies to Tobruk, and arrived back at Alexandria on the 11th. RAN DD VENDETTA departed Alexandria for Haifa for mechanical repairs.

Nth Atlantic
Convoy HX.144 departed Halifax, escort DD ANNAPOLIS and AMC MALOJA. On the 11th, corvettes DAUPHIN and NAPANEE joined, and on the 13th the DDs BURWELL and COLUMBIA and corvettes DIANTHUS, HONEYSUCKLE, and SNOWBERRY. Corvettes DAUPHIN and NAPANEE were detached on the 12th and DD ANNAPOLIS was detached on the 13th. The remaining escorts were detached on the 22nd when relieved by DDs AMAZON, BELMONT, DULLDOG, GEORGETOWN, SKATE, WESTCOTT, WHITEHALL, and WITCH, corvettes AUBRETIA and HEARTSEASE, MSW BRITOMART, and ASW trawlers ANGLE, CAPEWARWICK, DANEMAN, and NOTTSCOUNTY. DDs SKATE, WESTCOTT, WHITEHALL, and WITCH, the MSW, and the trawlers were detached later that day. Corvette NIGELLA joined on the 23rd. On the 24th, DDs BURNHAM and CHURCHILL joined for the day. DDs BELMONT and GEORGETOWN were detached on the 27th, DDs AMAZON and BULLDOG and corvette AUBRETIA on the 28th, and corvettes HEARTSEASE and NIGELLA on the 29th. The convoy arrived at Liverpool on the 30th.

SC.40 departed Sydney, CB escorted by corvettes BARRIE, CHICOUTIMI, and MATAPEDIA. These escorts were detached on the 13th, when relieved by DD NIAGARA and corvettes ALYSSE, CELANDINE, and COLLINGWOOD. AMC CHITRAL joined on the 19th. The escorts were detached on the 22nd. On the 22nd, DDs DOUGLAS, LEAMINGTON, and VETERAN, corvettes ABELIA, ANEMONE, and VERONICA, and MSWs LEDA and SPEEDY. On the 28th, MSWs GOSSAMER, HAZARD, and HEBE joined. The convoy arrived at Liverpool on the 29th.

Central Atlantic
U.79,U 93, U.94, U.109, U.124, U.126, U.331, and U.371 and RM boats FINZI, MARCONI, and VENIERO formed a wolfpack intended to concentrate on shipping, thought to be convoy HG.69, from 10 to 16 August, however Escort Command re-routed the convoy away from the wolfpack and no contact was made. No ships were lost.

Corvettes FLEUR DE LYS and AZALEA departed Gibraltar to meet arriving tanker CAPSA from Trinidad, while DD VIDETTE and ASW trawler ST.NECTAN left to meet arriving tanker BENEDICK from Curacao. Both groups arrived at Gibraltar on the 17th.

Submarine SEVERN arrived at Gibraltar from patrol in the Atlantic.

Red Sea/Indian Ocean
CA EXETER arrived at Bombay from Aden, and departed on the 11th, escorting convoy BP.12 of troopships KHEDIVE ISMAEL, RAJULA, TALMA, VARELA, LANCASHIRE, ROHNA, SANTHIA, and VARSOVA to Basra. She returned to Bombay on the 17th.

Weather Sunny and fresh.

No air raids.

While on a test flight in a Hurricane S/Ldr Rabagliati sees a Cant Z506 floatplane flying not far from the Sicilian coast. He attacks, shooting the aircraft down into the sea. The aircraft sinks but the four crew are seen to escape.


ROYAL NAVY Thunderbolt sailed for Alexandria. 830 Squadron Fleet Air Arm 4 Swordfish carried out night search of East Sicilian coast and eventually released 3 torpedoes at a 7–10,000 merchant vessel in Syracuse. Two hits claimed.

AIR HQ Departures 1 Blenheim, 1 Wellington. 69 Squadron 4 Maryland strike force patrols Ionian Sea and east Tunisian coast. Photoreconnaissance Misurata and Tripoli. Photoreconnaissance Catania port and aerodrome, and Syracuse. The Maryland signals engine trouble while returning. As it approaches land the engine fails and the aircraft crashes, killing F/Lt Wylde and Sgt Mortimer. Sgt Clarke is injured. The aircraft is burned out. 39 Squadron 9 Wellingtons sent to attack north west area of Tripoli dropped many bombs on target. 105 Squadron4 Blenheims sent to attack merchant shipping scores hits and disables ship.

HAL FAR One Fulmar patrolled over Catania and Gerbini aerodromes and dropped four bombs on Gerbini; results not observed.

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11 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

Type VIIc DKM U-655

Flower Class Corvette HMS VETCH (K-132)
Flower Class Corvette HMS VETCH (K-132).jpg

BPB 70' type MGB HMS MGB 20



Kiel: U-146
St. Nazaire: U-431

Brest: U-202
Lorient: U-106
Trondheim: U-82, U-569

At Sea 11 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-74, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-82, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-106, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-202, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-372, U-451, U-501, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-751

42 Boats
While shadowing an Allied convoy off Portugal U-93 was heavily bombing by an RAF CC a/c that forced the boat to return to France.

East Front

RN Submarine HMS TIGRIS departed Murmansk on patrol, and on the 17th, sank coaster HAAKON JARL (Ex-Nor 1482 grt) in 70-58N, 26-48E.

Northern Patrol
ML PORT QUEBEC, escorted by surveying ship SCOTT, laid minefield SN.22 A in the Northern Barrage.

Northern Waters
HM King George VI, who had arrived at Scapa Flow, on the 9th, visited the depot ship TYNE during the forenoon and inspected representative contingents from the Home Fleet. He then visited DDs ECLIPSE and CHARLESTOWN berthed alongside.

The King inspected the Lyness Base and then embarked in DD INGLEFIELD for transport to Scrabster, escorted by DDs TARTAR and PUNJABI. DD ICARUS departed Scapa Flow and proceeded to Scrabser to provide passage back to Scapa Flow for the Captain of the Fleet.

DD ECHO departed Scapa Flow for Sheerness for refitting, and arrived on the 13th.

DDs TARTAR, PUNJABI, and ESCAPADE departed Scapa Flow for Hvalfjord, arriving on the 12th.

West Coast
Convoy ON.6 departed Liverpool, escorted by corvette ARABIS, ASW trawler NORTHERN SPRAY. The convoy was joined on the 13th by DDs MALCOLM, SARDONYX, SCIMITAR, and WATCHMAN, corvettes VERBENA and VIOLET, and ASW trawlers NORTHERN PRIDE and NORTHERN WAVE. DDs MALCOLM and WATCHMAN and corvette VERBENA were detached on the 15th, DD SCIMITAR and ASW trawlers NORTHERN PRIDE and NORTHERN WAVE on the 16th, and corvettes ARABIS and VIOLET and ASW trawler NORTHERN SPRAY on the 17th. On the 17th, DDs CHESTERFIELD and RIPLEY, AMC AUSONIA, and corvettes HEPATICA, TRILLIUM, and WINDFLOWER joined and escorted the convoy until it was dispersed on the 24th.

Steamer SIR RUSSELL (UK 1548 grt)
was sunk by a DKM S.49 of the 4th S boat Flotilla six cables 349° from No.10 Buoy near Dungeness (in the Channel). The entire crew was rescued.
Steamer SIR RUSSELL (UK 1548 grt).jpg

Netlayer PROTECTOR, on passage from Port Said to Alexandria, was badly damaged by an aerial torpedo dropped by an RA SM-79 in 31-42N, 32-04E at 1700. DD HERO was sent from Alexandria to assist, and sloop FLAMINGO, corvette SALVIA, and trawlers from Port Said. SALVIA was able to take her in tow and they arrived at Port Said on the 12th.

She received temporary repairs at Suez, and on 25 November, departed in tow of British steamer EMPIRE KANGAROO.

DDs JERVIS and KINGSTON departed Alexandria for Mersa Matruh to act as a striking force, and arrived back at Alexandria on the 13th.

RAN sloop HMAS PARRAMATTA departed Port Said, escorting motor transport ship KEVINBANK, for Famagusta in serial S.18 of the GUILLOTINE operation. They arrived on 13 July.

Hospital ship CALIFORNIA(FI 13,060 grt) at Syracuse was sunk by a Swordfish from the 830 Squadron from Malta.
Hospital ship CALIFORNIA (FI 13,060 grt).jpg

Central Atlantic
RM submarine MARCONI attacked and claimed to have sunk sloop DEPTFORD, which had been detached from convoy OG.70 to join convoy HG.70 in 37-16N, 9-50W. However the vessel was undamaged, and with corvette CONVOLVULUS carried out a search for the submarine.

DDs FORESTER, FURY, DUNCAN, BOREAS, and WILD SWAN departed Gibraltar to sweep. BOREAS and WILD SWAN were then ordered to join convoy HG.70, while FORESTER, FURY, and DUNCAN arrived at Gibraltar late on the 11th.

Steamer EMPIRE HURST (UK 2852 grt), which had fallen astern of convoy HG.70, was being escorted by ASW trawler LADY HOGARTH, when she was attacked and sunk by FW 200 a/c about 400 miles west of Gibraltar. Twenty six crew were killed, and nine survivors rescued by the trawler.

Weather Sunny and fresh.

0040-0200 hrs Raid no 813 Air raid alert for nine unidentified enemy aircraft which approach from the north east at intervals and cross the coast over GrandHarbour. They carry out an hour-long raid over the Island. Some 250kg and 500kg high explosives, and hundreds of incendiary bombs are dropped on GrandHarbour, Marsa, Pieta, Salvatore Gate, Gzira, Lija, San Nicola, Ta Silch and Ta Qali. The incendiaries are of a type not seen in Malta before. Warehouses in Marsa are ignited, damaging some timber; the fire was soon extinguished. A few houses in Lija are slightly damaged and a donkey killed. Four Hurricanes are scrambled and searchlights illuminate raiders on two occasions. Two enemy aircraft are shot down in flames in the sea; three crew are seen baling out. A rescue launch is sent out but finds no survivors.


AIR HQ Arrivals 1 Sunderland. Departures 2 Blenheim. 69 Squadron Marylands on strike force patrols for enemy shipping. Photoreconnaissance Comiso and Syracuse. 38 Squadron 5 Wellingtons sent to attack north west of Tripoli dropped bombs from 6000 feet on targets causing fires and destroying large buildings. Machine gun attacks launched on a military convoy near Homs. 105 Squadron 3 Blenheims sent to attack chemical works attacked military facilities with success. 3 Blenheims sent in follow up attack scoring further direct hits. 830 Squadron Fleet Air Arm A Swordfish sunk the 13000 ton Italian hospital ship California at Syracuse.
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12 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

SC USS SC453 (prototype)
SC USS SC453 (prototype).jpg

Acceptor Class MSW USS ROLLER (AMc-52

HDML 1077

U-564 sank Flower Class Corvette HMS PICOTEE (RN 925 grt); At 0311 hrs, U-568 fired torpedoes at the convoy ON-4 sth of Iceland, observed a hit on a corvette and heard another detonation. The U-Boat commander (Preuss) assumed that he had probably damaged a tanker in the convoy but this was not the case. However, HMS PICOTEE was hit by the torpedo underneath the bridge, broke in two and sank immediately, while her own depth charges detonated. The commander, four officers and 61 ratings were lost. This corvette, from Escort Gp 4 was only reported missing after she did not return to the convoy from a search for a reported U-boat. After this attack, the other escorts counterattacked and held the boat down while the convoy escaped.
Flower Class Corvette HMS PICOTEE (RN 925 grt).jpg

Auxiliary vessel EXPRESS (RN 16 grt) was sunk on a mine one mile SW of East Spaniard Buoy off Whitstable.


Kirkenes; U-451
St. Nazaire:U-74
Trondheim: U-432

Lorient: U-125

At Sea 12 August 1941

U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-82, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-106, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-125, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-202, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-372, U-501, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-751

41 Boats

U-79 was heavily depth charged by convoy escorts near the Portuguese coast and forced to abort its attack.

U-123 was attacked by convoy escorts near Portugal. 126 depth charges were dropped, including 30 "close by" as reported by the Germans, but caused only moderate damage. The boat returned to France, having been at sea for over 60 days when this attack took place.

Whilst inbound in the Bay of Biscay inbound U-372 was attacked by an RAF Blenheim which attempted to surprise U-372 by carrying out a dive bomb attack from cloud cover, but she evaded by turning towards the attacker and then immediately crash-diving. A 250lb A/S bomb detonated about 35 yards off the port bow and a second was dropped shortly after the U-boat submerged.

Although the boat was damaged, as it seems there were some difficulties diving, as the aircrew observed her stern remain visible above water until it disappeared in an oily patch left by a large air bubble.

North Sea

CL SHEFFIELD, after refitting, departed Rosyth for Scapa Flow to work up, and arrived that evening.

AA ship ALYNBANK departed Methil and escorted convoy EC.58 from MayIsland to Pentland Firth. In the Firth on the 13th, the ship left the convoy and arrived at Scapa Flow that morning.

Steamer EAGLESCLIFFE HALL was damaged by the LW 1/2 mile south of S.2 Buoy, approximately two miles east of Sunderland. She was towed to Sunderland arriving on the 13th.

Northern Patrol
DD ANTHONY, escorting salvage tug LE LUTTEUR, departed Scapa Flow for Skaalefjord, where the tug was to effect repairs to DD ACHATES to render her seaworthy for the passage to the Tyne. They arrived at Skaalefjord on the 14th, and ANTHONY sailed that evening to return to Scapa Flow, where she arrived on the 15th.

MSWs HARRIER, SALAMANDER, and HALCYON departed Seidisfjord for Reykjavik. HALCYON with defects put into Reydarsfjord and with SALAMANDER returned to Seidisfjord. HARRIER arrived at Reykjavik on the 13th.

On Biscay patrol in 40-24N, 29-51W, CA LONDON sighted a submarine, which was bombed by her Walrus aircraft.

CL NEPTUNE, ML cruiser ABDIEL, and DD JACKAL departed Haifa for Port Said for a GUILLOTINE operation. DDs KANDAHAR and KIMBERLEY departed Alexandria for Mersa Matruh to load then proceed to Tobruk. They arrived back at Alexandria on the 13th.

Submarine TORBAY attacked a convoy of steamers BOSFORO and ISEO, escorted by torpedo boat PARTENOPE, four miles west of Benghasi, without success.

Subamrine RORQUAL arrived at Malta from Alexandria, having departed on 31 July, with petrol and stores. Submarine P.33 departed Malta on patrol. RNeN submarine O.24 unsuccessfully attacked a steamer in the LigurianSea.

Lighter A.14 (RN 50grt (est)) was sunk on a mine in Tobruk Harbour. No crew were killed.

Central Atlantic
RM submarine TAZZOLI attacked and claimed to have damaged steamer SANGARA in 4N, 9W, but she was unharmed.

Weather Sunny and fresh.

1716-1739 hrs Air raid alert for twelve enemy fighters which approach Gozo from the north east, and carry out a patrol round the Island at 24000 feet. Hurricanes are scrambled but the raiders recede eastwards, turn north east and finally north.


ROYAL NAVY All ships of the 2 August convoy have completed unloading, except for coal. Rorqual arrived from Alexandria with petrol and stores. P32 sailed for patrol east of Tripoli.

AIR HQ Departures 1 Sunderland. 69 Squadron Maryland patrols of Tunisian coast and western Ionian Sea. Hurricane photoreconnaissance Catania aerodrome and port, and visual recce of Augusta. 38 Squadron 4 Wellingtons attacked Tripoli railway station area dropping bombs and incendiaries, damaging the station and railway line, buildings and vehicles.

HAL FAR One Fulmar machine-gunned aircraft on Catania aerodrome and dropped two bombs plus one flash bomb on both Catania and Gerbini aerodromes.
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13 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

Isles Class ASW Trawler HMS RYSA (T-164)

Fairmile C MGB HMS MGB 331

FV SJOBORG (Faroes 158 grt) was sunk on a mine about 61-31N, 5-40W while fishing in a prohibited area.


Brest: U-372
Trondheim: U-81, U-652

Lorient: U-557

At Sea 13 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-82, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-106, U-109, U-123, U-124, U-125, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-202, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-501, U-553, U-557, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-751

41 Boats

West Coast
DD LIGHTNING departed Greenock for Scapa Flow to rejoin the Home Fleet after operations in the Western Approaches and Western Mediterranean. She arrived at Scapa Flow on the 14th.

OS.3 departed Liverpool, escorted by DD ST.ALBANS which was detached on the 18th and corvette CAMPION which was detached on the 15th. On the 14th, DDs CAMPBELTOWN and WANDERER joined and was detached on the 17th and 29 August, respectively, AMCDUNNOTTARCASTLE joined and arrived with the convoy on 1 September, escort vessel BANFF joined and detached to Bathurst on the 29th, and ocean boarding vessel MARON joined and was detached on the 17th. On the 15th, sloop EGRET joined and was detached on the 29th toBathurst. On the 16th, escort vessel FISHGUARD joined and was detached to Bathurst on the 29th. On the 29th, corvettes ASTER, BURCOCK, and STARWORT joined and arrived with the convoy at Freetown on 1 September.

SW Approaches
OG.71 departed Liverpool escorted by DD BATH, sloop LEITH, and corvette ZINNIA.

Corvettes BLUEBELL, CAMPANULA, CAMPION, HYDRANGEA, and WALLFLOWER joined on the 15th. BATH was detached on the 18th and was sunk early the next day by U.204. DDs GURKHA and LANCE from convoy WS.10 X joined the escort on the 20th and DDs BOREAS departed Gibraltar on the 19th, joining on the 23rd and WIVERN on the 20th to join on the 22nd. DD VIDETTE departed Gibraltar on the 21st and joined the convoy on the 23rd. Corvette ZINNIA was sunk on the 23rd by U.564 in 40-43N, 11-39W. The convoy was dispersed on the 23rd to Lisbon. HYDRANGEA arrived at Gibraltar on the 22nd with nine survivors from BATH. DDs LANCE, GURKHA and corvettes WALLFLOWER, CAMPION, and CAMPANULA arrived at Gibraltar on the 24th.

CL NEPTUNE, ML cruiser ABDIEL, and DD JACKAL departed Port Said with personnel for Famagusta in Serial S.20 of the GUILLOTINE operation. The troops were landed on the 14th, after which NEPTUNE proceeded to Alexandria, and ABDIEL and JACKAL to Port Said. RAN CL HOBART and RN DDs DECOY and HAVOCK departed Alexandria for Port Said to relieve NEPTUNE.

CLA COVENTRY departed Beirut to return to Alexandria, where she arrived on the 14th.

DDs HASTY and JAGUAR departed Alexandria with supplies for Tobruk. Schooner KEPHALLINIA (UK 1267 grt) foundered and sank off Alexandria, while en route to Tobruk with supplies. DD HERO assisted her.

Italian convoy of steamers ANDREA GRITTI, RIALTO, VETTOR PISANI. FRANCESCO BARBARO, and SEBASTIANO VENIER, escorted by DDs VIVALDI, FOLGORE, STRALE, MALOCELLO, FULMINE and TB ORSA departed Naples for Tripoli. On the 14th, during an air attack, one of VIVALDI's guns exploded and she was forced to return to Italy. There were also reported submarine attacks during the air attack, but there is no corresponding report. The convoy arrived at Tripoli and 15 August, undamaged by the British.

Central Atlantic
On the 25th, LANCE and corvette SPIRAEA departed Gibraltar to carry out an ASW patrol off Cape St Vincent to cover steamers sailing independently from Lisbon to Gibraltar from the former convoy. Later in the day, DD WILD SWAN arrived at Gibraltar and departed to join in the patrol off Cape St Vincent. WILD SWAN, VIDETTE, LEITH, BLUEBELL and SPIRAEA arrived at Gibraltar on the 27th.

Weather Sunny and hot.

0148-0223 hrs Air raid alert for a single enemy bomber which approaches from the north, circles east of Delimara, turns west and eventually crosses the coast near Benghaisa. Hundreds of small incendiary bombs are dropped across Kalafrana and on Benghaisa, including near an anti-aircraft gun position. 22 fires are reported in the direction of Hal Far. There are no reported casualties. Two Hurricanes are scrambled but there are no searchlight illuminations and no interceptions.


ROYAL NAVY 830 Squadron Fleet Air Arm 6 Swordfish attacked Augusta submarine base. Due to poor visibility so Swordfish pilots chose individual targets. Bombs were dropped on Syracuse as well as Augusta, with large fires and explosions in both places.

AIR HQ Arrivals 4 Blenheim, 5 Wellington. Departures 69 Squadron 4 Maryland striking force patrols Ionian Sea and east Tunisian coast. Reconnaissance Lampedusa harbour. One Maryland was sent out to drop propaganda leaflets on Bizerta, Tunis, Sfax and surroundings but failed to return. 38 Squadron 7 Wellingtons sent to attack Tripoli in two formations of 4 and 3 aircraft dropped bombs on target. Sgt Williams crashed on Luqa aerodrome on landing, badly damaging his aircraft. 8 Hurrricanes carried out a fighter sweep over southern Sicily.
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14 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

S-Boat DKM S-108

Type VIIc DKM U-583

U-126 sank Steamer SUD (Yug 2580 grt), a straggler from convoy HG-70 in the Atlantic, west of Portugal. The ship was empty, with a crew of 33, all of whom were to survive the attack, on passage from Gibraltar to Halifax. At 0955 hrs, U-126 spotted the SUD, a straggler from convoy HG-70 and tried to get into an attack position. In the meantime, the Italian submarine MARCONI first unsucessfully attacked the same ship at 1201 hrs with a torpedo and then shelled her with the 100mm deck gun, scoring hits with about 25 rounds. Shortly after 1515 hrs, the U-boat also opened fire with the deck gun and scored eight hits with 33 rounds fired. Both submarines ceased fire as the freighter began to burn, but the ship did not sink and the MARCONI's skipper refused to use another torpedo on such a small freighter, so the U-126 skipper fired a stern torpedo at 1601 hrs and hit SUD near the aft mast causing her to settle within two minutes. The survivors were picked up by the Portuguese steam merchant ALFERRARADE.

Steamer AUSTRALAND (Aus 5020 grt) was sunk by DKM Raider KOMET near the Galapagos Islands. Three crew were killed in this attack, the remainder taken prisoner , and the rest made prisoners of war, but one died on the raider.
Steamer AUSTRALIND (Aus 5020 grt).jpg

Brest: U-201
Lorient: U-111

At Sea 14 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-82, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-106, U-109, U-111, U-123, U-124, U-125, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-201, U-202, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-501, U-553, U-557, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-751

43 Boats


steamer LOTTE HALM (Ger 1193 grt) was sunk by the RAF off Borkum.

Northern Waters
DD FOXHOUND arrived at Scapa Flow for fuel while on passage from the Force H to Sheerness.

AA ship ALYNBANK departed Scapa Flow and escorted convoy WN.66 to the south. Off Buchan Ness that night, LW a/c attacked the convoy, but no damage was done. The ship transferred to convoy EC.59 shortly after midnight. On arrival in Pentland Firth, she left the convoy and arrived at Scapa Flow that afternoon.
West Coast
DD MATABELE departed Barrow to carry out trials after repairs, and arrived at Scapa Flow on the 16th.

CLA COVENTRY departed Alexandria with DDs NIZAM and KINGSTON escorting troopship GLENROY to Port Said. She was passed through the Suez Canal on the 15th.

RHN DD VASILISSA OLGA departed Alexandria for Famagusta, arrived on the 16th and departed that day to return to Alexandria.

Submarine TALISMAN fired torpedoes in error at submarine OTUS in 32-41N, 27-35E. At the time, TALISMAN was arriving at Alexandria while OTUS had just left for Malta with stores. Neither submarine was damaged.

Central Atlantic
AMC CIRCASSIA captured steamer STELLA (FI 4272 grt), which had departed Recife, west of Cape Verde Island at 24-55N, 40-23W. She was sent under prize crew to Bermuda, and used by the British as EMPIRE PLANET.

BB NELSON, CV ARK ROYAL, CLA HERMIONE and DDs departed Gibraltar for the east for exercises. On the 16th, NELSON, HERMIONE, and DD VIMY arrived back at Gibraltar, followed on the 17th, by ARK ROYAL with DDs NESTOR, ENCOUNTER, FURY, FORESIGHT, and FORESTER.

Weather Sunny and hot.

1720-1746 hrs Air raid alert for a small enemy fighter patrol off the north of the Island. Twelve Malta fighters are scrambled but the raiders flee before they can be intercepted.

0239-0326 hrs Air raid alert for five JU 87 and BR 20 aircraft approaching from the north east. A formation of JU 87s crosses the coast from Salina Bay over Ta Qali and recedes northwards. Four 500kg high explosive bombs are dropped near Tal Balal crossroads. The second group of bombers crosses the coast over Zonqor, dropping incendiary bombs near Zebbug. The raiders then head south to Delimara, where anti-aircraft guns open fire and they recede north east, dropping bombs in the sea.


AIR HQ Departures 1 Beaufighter, 3 Blenheim, 5 Wellington. 69 Squadron Maryland patrols of Tunisian coast and Ionian Sea. Photoreconnaissance Tripoli, Catania and Augusta. 38 Squadron 4 Wellingtons two sorties against shipping in Catania scored several hits on merchant vessels and harbour. 105 Squadron 4 Blenheims searched for convoy.
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August 15 Friday
ASIA: Australian 27th Infantry Brigade arrives in Singapore from Sydney and Melbourne aboard "Marnix", "Sibajak", and "Johan Van Oldenbarneveldt".

ATLANTIC OCEAN: "Orion" reached Spanish territorial waters and disguised herself as the Spanish ship "Contramestre Casado".

German vessel "Norderney" is scuttled to avoid capture by RN cruisers "Despatch" and "Pretoria".

EASTERN FRONT: Unternehmen Barbarossa: By August 15, the 53rd day of the war in the East, German casualties had reached a total of 389,924 of whom 98,600 were killed or missing. These figures were a grim contrast with the 218,109 casualties and 97,000 dead of the years September 1939 to May 1941 that encompassed the campaigns in Poland, Norway, France, the Balkans and North Africa. They were a portent of what was to come.

Heeresgruppe Nord: German Army Group North captures the Luga line and over 20,000 Soviet troops. The German 3rd Infantry Regiment then saw the famous "Novgorod the Golden" spread out in front of them in the morning sun. Throughout its thousand-year history Novgorod had never been occupied by a foreign enemy, apart from a very brief episode in the Nordic War at the beginning of the seventeenth century. But now Russia's golden city was about to suffer that humiliation. The 21.Infanterie-Divisionen (Lieutenant General Otto Sponheimer) from East Prussia intercepted a signal from Moscow to the Soviet Forty-eighth Army. It ran: "Novgorod is to be defended to the last man." As chance would have it, it was the Soviet 21st Armoured Division which was to defend Novgorod to the last man, against the attack of the German 21.Infanterie-Divisionen. At 1730 hours Luftflotte VIII began a heavy air raid on the Russian positions along the city's battlements, and kept it up for twenty minutes. Novgorod stood in flames. The three infantry regiments of 21.Infanterie-Divisionen lined up for the assault. From the edge of the ancient moat came the stutter of machine-guns, the crash of guns, and the plop of mortars. The Germans attacked.

Heeresgruppe Mitte: Hitler informs Brauchitsch that he wants one panzer division and two motorized divisions sent from Army Group Centre to Army Group North as fast as possible. XXIV. Armeekorps (mot.) (General of Panzer Troops Geyr von Schweppenburg) moved off again— towards the south—with 3.Panzer-Divisionen and 4.Panzer-Divisionen in the forefront, followed by 10.Infanterie-Division (mot.) (Lieutenant General F-W von Loeper).

Heeresgruppe Süd: German 11.Armee attacking around Nikolaev. Soviet gunboats support ground operations near Grigorevka.

Roosevelt and Churchill sent a joint message of assistance to the Soviet Union.
"We realize fully how vitally important to the defeat of Hitlerism is the brave and steadfast resistance of the Soviet Union and we feel therefore that we must not in any circumstances fail to act quickly and immediately in this matter on planning the program for the future allocation of our joint resources," the statement concluded.

Master spy Richard Sorge informed his Soviet masters that the Japanese would not assist the Germans by invading Siberia.

Two days of rioting at Roskiskis on the Lithuannian-Latvian border begin. 3200 Jews would be killed. In Minsk, German authorities prohibit Jews from most public places including busses, trams, trains, parks, playgrounds, theaters, libraries or museums. The only food delivered to the ghetto would be that in excess of the needs of non-Jews.

GERMANY: In Germany it became a criminal offence for Jews not to wear the yellow Star of David. Jews in the German-occupied zone are ordered to wear a yellow star and live in designated ghettos. The Nazi administration bans them from public places and transport and forbids the ownership of wireless sets or motor cars.

NORTH AMERICA: Naval Air Station, Palmyra, FPO SF 309 is commissioned today.

President Franklin D Roosevelt in the presidential yacht USS "Potomac" (AG-25), fishes while the ship is anchored in Pulpit Harbor, Penobscot Bay, Maine.

NORTHERN FRONT: The troops of Finnish 7th ID (Col. Svensson) are the first to enter recaptured Sortavala. Although the Russians have been able to evacuate most of the defending men, some 540 Red Army soldiers are captured. Sortavala is the first major population centre lost to the Soviet Union in 1940 recaptured. (Sortavala is today (2001) Serdobol in Russian Karelia. In the lands that were lost to Soviet Union in 1940 there lived some 400, 000 people before the Winter War. Practically everybody left rather than stayed to live under the new masters (the fact that everybody left was so embarrassing to the Soviet propagandists that they claimed that the capitalists and their henchmen forcibly evacuated the civilians). Now, when it seems that these lost lands are about to be reconquered, the first civilians are returning. As the recaptured areas are still unsafe, the returnees are warned to have weapons with them and move around with caution. Only people able to take care of themselves are allowed back. Children, elderly and sick have to wait until later date.

PACIFIC OCEAN: The Philippine Army Air Corps was officially inducted into the United States Army Forces in the Far East. Douglas MacArthur oversaw the induction of the Philippine Army Air Corps into federal service at Camp Murphy. MacArthur convenes a meeting of all senior military personnel assigned to the Philippines and advises them that he would fight for the islands.

UNITED KINGDOM : German parachutist Josef Jakobs, captured in Britain on 1 Feb 1941, was executed by firing squad at the Tower of London in England, at 0715 hours. He was the last person to be executed at that site.

The London-based Polish government in exile signs a military cooperation agreement with the government of the USSR.

D.M. Butt, of the British War Cabinet Secretariat, completes an analysis of 630 photos taken on bomber night operations. Overall, of aircraft recorded as hitting their targets, only one third had actually struck within five miles.

The Luftwaffe returned to the North-East of England. Five HEs from a single aircraft were dropped on Norton ave. A direct hit on 160 Norton Avenue killed all seven occupants, a forty-five year old widow, five children (all boys , their ages ranged from fourteen down to six), and a seventy-three year old woman. At 116 Norton Avenue, a sixty-four year old widow was killed. Some bodies were never recovered. A second HE fell not far away and three others in fields in a line WNW towards the AA site off Junction Road and Durham Road, known as "Kiora" which was equipped with 4.7" guns. Each bomb landed about 300 yards apart over the sites of the present day Rochester, Radcliffe and Redditch Avenues and Riveaulx Close. Nos 152-164 Norton Avenue, 23, 24 and 25 Darlington Back Lane and four houses in Ancaster/Alveston Roads had to be demolished. Two bungalows near Fussick Bridge were severely damaged and one had to be demolished. Blast caused damage over a large area smashing several panes of greenhouses glass in Fewster's Redpath Lane Nurseries.

15 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

Aloe Class Net tender USS CINCHOVA (AN-12)

Fairmile B ML HMS ML 289



Lorient: U-557

At Sea 15 August 1941
U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-82, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-106, U-109, U-111, U-123, U-124, U-125, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-201, U-202, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-501, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-751

42 Boats

East Front

Steamer MEMELLAND (Ger 542 grt) was lost on a Soviet mine south of Helsinki.

Black Sea/Caspian
VMF Sub SC-211 sank MV PELES (Rom 5708 grt) S to the north of Emine Cape. On 14/15 August 1941 PELES was heading for the Bosphorus in convoy with Italian tankers SUPERGA and SECAVA escorted by two (unknown) Bulgarian MLs. At dusk the convoy was attacked with two torpedoes fired by SC-211. Both torpedoes struck the PELES which caught fire then exploded . the vessel quickly sank in shallow water. The escorting MLs rescued most of the crew. Later, a LW flying boat rescued another subgle crew members. At least one of the crew died in the attack.
MV PELES (Rum 5708 grt).jpg

North Sea
BC REPULSE departed Rosyth at 0720 escorted by DDs IMPULSIVE, ECLIPSE, and ACTIVE, and arrived at Scapa Flow that evening.

Northern Waters
CA DORSETSHIRE departed Scapa Flow for the Clyde for escort duty with convoy WS.10 X, and arrived on the 16th.

West Coast
ON.7 departed Liverpool. The convoy was joined on the 16th by DDs AMAZON, BULLDOG, ORP BURZA, and GEORGETOWN, corvettes AUBRETIA, HEARTSEASE, NIGELLA, MSW BRITOMART, and ASW trawlers ANGLE, CAPE WARWICK, DANEMAN, and NOTTS COUNTY. DDs AMAZON and BURZA were detached on the 18th. The remainder of the escort was detached on the 21st when the convoy was joined by DD CHURCHILL and corvettes ARROWHEAD, CAMELLIA, and EYEBRIGHT. The DD was detached on the 23rd and the corvettes on the 25th when the convoy was dispersed.

Steamer ADUA (FI 400 grt)
was sunk by the RAF in the Gulf of Sirte.

BB BARHAM arrived at Suez after repairs of Crete battle damages in Durban. The BB departed Port Said that evening escorted by CLA COVENTRY and DDs JACKAL, RAN NIZAM, KIPLING, and KINGSTON. Troopship GLENGYLE was also in company. The ships arrived at Alexandria on the 16th.

RAN CL HOBART, ML cruiser ABDIEL, and DDs DECOY and HAVOCK departed Port Said for Famagusta with troops in Serial S.21 of the GUILLOTINE operation. The HOBART group disembarked their troops at Famagusta during the night of 15/16 August. ABDIEL departed for Alexandria; the remainder of the group proceeded to Haifa.

RAN sloop PARRAMATTA was at Famagusta to provide ASW protection. PARRAMATTA departed Famagusta on the 16th for Port Said, where she arrived on the 17th.

After departing Port Said on 13 July, Corvette PEONY arrived at Famagusta with MV GUJARAT of Serial S.19 and then departed for Beirut.

DDs KANDAHAR and KIMBERLEY landed stores at Tobruk during the night of 14/15 August and returned to Alexandria. DDs HASTY and JAGUAR departed Alexandria with stores for Tobruk. The DDs returned to Alexandria on the 16th.

Submarine THRASHER unsuccessfully attacked German steamer ANKARA, escorted by TB SIRIO, in Mandri Channel.

Dutch submarine O.24 arrived at Gibraltar after patrol in the Gulf of Genoa and Tyrrhenian Sea.

Submarine OSIRIS arrived at Malta from Alexandria, having departed on the 7th, to discharge petrol, stores, mail, and passengers.

Nth Atlantic
USS CV YORKTOWN, CL BROOKLYN, and DDs GRAYSON and EBERLE departed Bermuda on neutrality patrol. The patrol concluded on the 27th when they arrived back at Bermuda.

Central Atlantic
Steamer NORDENEY (Ger 3667 grt) scuttled herself when she was intercepted by CL DESPATCH and AMC PRETORIA CASTLE northeast of the Amazon Estuary.
Steamer NORDENEY (Ger 3667 grt).jpg

SL.84 departed Freetown escorted by DD BRILLIANT, corvettes AMARANTHUS, ARMERIA, MIGNONETTE, and WOODRUFF, and ASW trawlers SARABANDE and ST.WISTAN to 19 August. On the 18th, sloops FOLKESTONE and LONDONDERRY joined the convoy to 8 September. Sloop WESTON joined on the 20th August to 8 September. DD ST.ALBANS joined on 2 September to 8 September. CAM ship SPRINGBANK and DDs CAMPBELTOWN, WANDERER, and WESTCOTT joined on 3 September to 8 September. The convoy arrived at Liverpool on 8 September.

Weather Sunny and hot.

1716-1737 Air raid alert for a single enemy bomber which carries out reconnaissance escorted by six Macchi 200 fighters. 17 Hurricanes are scrambled; no claims.

0347-0415 hrs Air raid alert for four enemy aircraft approaching from the north and drop bombs in the sea before receding. Hurricane fighters are scrambled but there are no searchlight illuminations and no interceptions.

0424-0510 hrs Air raid alert for a single enemy aircraft which crosses the coast at Dingli and follows the coastline to Hal Far, dropping containers of hundreds of incendiary bombs near Siggiewi, Zurrieq and Hal Far. The containers are reported as resembling 'Molotov bread baskets'. High explosive bombs are also dropped on Zabbar and on Hamrun, where houses are demolished and one civilian seriously injured. Hurricane fighters are scrambled but there are no searchlight illuminations and no interceptions.


ROYAL NAVY Osiris arrived from Alexandria and berthed in Marsaxlokk to discharge petrol.

AIR HQ Arrivals 1 Bombay. Departures 1 Bombay. 69 Squadron Maryland reconnaissance Catania harbour, western Ionian Sea, Tunisian coast. Reconnaissance for results of convoy attack last night. On reconnaissance over Tripoli one Maryland was attacked by three fighters, shots were exchanged but no damage caused. 38 Squadron 9 Wellingtons sent to attack Catania harbour in two waves of 4 and 5 aircraft. Fires started and bombs damaged railway station, lines and buildings, and destroying oil tanks. 105 Squadron 5 Blenheims sent to attack merchant ships approaching Benghazi exploded one tanker left a second on fire; two other vessels were hit and damaged. Two Blenheims failed to return.

HAL FAR One Fulmar patrolled over Gerbini and Catania.
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August 16 Saturday
ASIA: The Japanese Ambassador in Washington (Nomura) sends the following message to the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo:
"As I have successively reported to you, Japanese-American relations have today reached a stage in which anything might happen at any moment, and they are likely to grow worse suddenly as soon as Japan makes her next move. That this sudden change will take place with Japan's occupation of Thailand is a view upon which both Japanese and Americans agree."

ATLANTIC OCEAN: Since August 9th, 8 German and 3 Italian submarines have made repeated, though unsuccessful, attacks on convoy HG-69, northwest of Gibraltar.

EASTERN FRONT: Unternehmen Barbarossa: Stalin agrees to an Anglo-US request for a conference to determine the best means to assist the Soviet Union. This would lead to the massive assistance to the Russians from the west. Britain is granting Russia a £10 million credit at 3% interest. Whitehall stressed that this low rate shows that Russia is seen as a dependable customer. Considerable two-way trade is promised. The credit covers only the balance by which British exports to Russia exceed Soviet ones to Britain, and there will be similar credits when these are needed. Russia expects to pay cash for some imports.

Heeresgruppe Nord: German forces reach Novgorod and cross the Volkhov River. The German I. Armeekorps (General of the Infantry Kuno-Hans von Both) of 16.Armee (Colonel General Ernst Busch) takes Novgorod on the road to Leningrad. At first light the German assault companies were inside the blazing city. At 0700 hours the 1st Battalion, 424th Infantry Regiment, of 126. Infanterie-Divisionen (Lieutenant General Paul Laux) —for this attack under the command of 21.Infanterie-Divisionen (Lieutenant General Otto Sponheimer) —hoisted the swastika over Novgorod's Kremlin. But there was no time for victory celebrations. The objective was Chudovo and the October Railway. "Keep going," Major von Glasow, commander of the reconnaissance detachment and now leading the hurriedly formed vanguard of 21.Infanterie-Divisionen, urged his men. The men of the bicycle companies of 24th and 45th Regiments pedaled for all they were worth. The cavalry squadrons moved off at a trot, followed by the motorized platoon of Panzerjägers and by heavy motorized batteries of II./37.schwere Feldhaubitzen-Abt. (mot.). There were no tanks at all, and only a few self-propelled guns of 666. Sturmgeschütz-Bttr.. The brunt of the fighting was borne by 37.schwere Feldhaubitzen-Abt. (mot.), as well as the heavy artillery battalions, 9. Nebelwerfer-Abt. (mot.), and 272. Heeres-Flak-Abt., all of them grouped under Artillery Commander 123. - In that way the companies of 45th Infantry Regiment made their assault. LVI. Armeekorps (mot.) (General of the Infantry Erich von Manstein) is attacking near Dno, 75 miles SW of Novgorod but his panzer forces are redirected from their attacks on Leningrad to restore the deteriorating situation south of Lake Illmen where the Soviet 34th Army continues its successful attacks.

Heeresgruppe Mitte: German 2.Panzergruppe was attacking toward Bryansk and German 2.Armee began attacking toward Gomel. The 3.Panzer-Divisionen took the road intersection of Mglin.

Heeresgruppe Süd: German and Rumanian forces of Heeresgruppe Süd (von Rundstedt) capture Nikolaev, an important Soviet naval base on the Black Sea and captured warships, ammunition and repair facilities. Soviet submarines S-36 and S-37 are blown up at Nikolayev. Nearby, Romanian troops launched a renewed attack on Odessa.

Joseph Stalin issued Order No. 270, ordering all deserters executed and deserters' families arrested.

GERMANY: Dutch prisoners Steinmetz and Larive escaped the Oflag IV-C prisoners of war camp at Colditz Castle in Germany. They would later become the first successful Dutch escapees of Colditz.

An appeal to housewives to donate unwanted rags and cloth for recycling is to end next week. They have been asked to bring their "textile scrap" to collection points so that it can be used to make reprocessed wool and cotton wool - both of which are used in the production of synthetic fibre and artificial silk. Nazi propaganda explains that the money saved by recycling will be used for the armaments industry. But the people have been unenthusiastic, many fearing that a bottleneck in textile supplies will result in more rationing.

RAF Bomber Command sends 72 aircraft to attack Cologne, 52 aircraft to attack Dusseldorf and 54 aircraft to attack Duisburg overnight.

MEDITERRANEAN: While defending the Ploesti oilfields from Soviet air attack, a Royal Romanian Air Force Heinkel He 112 succeeds in shooting down a Red Air Force bomber.

Axis Convoy departs Naples for Tripoli with four vessels escorted by Italian destroyers "Vivaldi", "Da Recco", "Gioberti", and "Oriani" and a torpedo boat.

RAF bombers attack Syracuse and Catania.

MIDDLE EAST: UK and Soviet Union insist German personnel must be evicted from Iran.

Second Vichy French convoy departs Haifa with 5094 troops being repatriated to France from the Levant.

NORTH AMERICA: The presidential yacht USS "Potomac" (AG-25) with US President Franklin D Roosevelt aboard, arrives at Rockland, Maine. Roosevelt and his party disembark and board a train for Washington. Thus ends Roosevelt's trip to Newfoundland to meet with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

NORTHERN FRONT: Finnish Army of Karelia captures Sortavala on north shore of Lake Ladoga. Finnish forces, reinforced by Germans, destroyed three encircled Soviet battalions at Tolvajaervi and Aeglaejaervi [about 170 miles north of Leningrad] after fierce battles in that wild and swampy region 50 miles north of Lake Ladoga.

PACIFIC OCEAN: Douglas MacArthur received word from his superiors in Washington DC, that the Philippine Islands would start receiving reinforcements, shipped from the US no later than 5 Sep 1941. This included the 200th Coastal Artillery Regiment, a tank battalion, and an ordnance battalion.

The US heavy cruisers USS "Northampton" (CA-26) and USS "Salt Lake City" (CA-25) arrive at Rabaul on New Britain Island for a good-will visit. Captain David M. Selby arrives at Rabaul with his group of 54 men who are to make up the anti-aircraft unit for the area. The air defense consists on only two 3-inch guns. Of the two, one will not be so much as test fired until needed to defend against the Japanese because of a crack in its breech.

WESTERN FRONT: RAF Fighter Command flew Circus operations and massed sweeps as RAF Bomber Command sends 30 aircraft on coastal sweeps and Circus operations during the day.

Lt. Hans Hahn of I./NJG 2 downs a RAF Wellington twin-engined bomber over Scunthorpe. But debris from the destroyed bomber puts one of Lt. Hahn's engines of his Ju 88 out of action and he barely makes it back to base on the remaining engine.

August 17 Sunday
ASIA: "Tatsuta Maru" departed Yokohama, Japan. Captain Toichi Takahata was replaced by Japanese Navy Reserve officer Captain Sakao Kimura.

In Tokyo, the United States government presents a formal warning to the Japanese along the lines agreed at Placentia Bay. The text of the note has been toned down somewhat from the draft originally agreed with the British and Dutch, so they do not present their notes in order to avoid appearing to disagree with the American position. No decision on the Japanese proposal of a meeting between Roosevelt and Konoye is offered at this time.

The Chinese Nationalist government endorses the Anglo-US Atlantic Charter.

ATLANTIC OCEAN: American ship "Longtaker" was sunk by a German submarine while delivering supplies to the US military garrison in Iceland.

Returning from Atlantic Conference at Placentia Bay, Churchill visits Iceland.

EASTERN FRONT: Unternehmen Barbarossa: In an effort to slow down the retreating Russian forces around Dnepropetrovsk, fighters from I. and II./JG 3 along with III./JG 52 conduct a series of raids on the city. The three Gruppen claim thirty-three kills including twenty-nine Russian bombers.

Heeresgruppe Nord: The German Army's Heeresgruppe Nord (von Leeb) in its drive toward Leningrad captures Narva, Estonia.

Heeresgruppe Mitte: Rakutin's 24th Army begins assaulting German positions on the El'nia bridgehead. German 2.Panzergruppe continues attacking toward Bryansk and German 2.Armee pushes to Gomel.

Heeresgruppe Sud: The attacks of Army Group South reach the Dniepr River at Dnepropetrovsk. The town is captured by German 1.Panzergruppe. Romanian troops captured the water reservoirs of Odessa, Ukraine with heavy casualties.

"The condition of the trucks is in large part bad...For major repairs, which are necessary for many trucks, there are no spare parts. It must therefore be understood that with the beginning of the new operation, trucks will have to be towed in order to take them with us." - 10. Panzer Division diary.

In Yugoslavia, Tito's partisans begin coordination with Comintern in Moscow.

GERMANY: RAF Bomber Command sends 59 aircraft to attack Bremen and 41 aircraft to attack the rail station at Duisburg overnight. Air crews reported poor visibility due to bad weather.

MEDITERRANEAN: RAF bombers attack Syracuse.

NORTH AMERICA: President Franklin D Roosevelt and Secretary of State Cordell Hull talk with Japanese Ambassador Nomura Kichasaburo. The Americans state their conditions for resuming negotiations with the Japanese. A US note to Japan is formally presented. This note maintains the lines as agreed at Placentia Bay. Roosevelt, after discussions with the Japanese ambassador, agrees to informal talks to see if a peaceful resolution to the differences between their two countries would be possible.

PACIFIC OCEAN: Dutch vessel "Kota Nopan" captured by German raider "Komet" near Galapagos Islands.

The Federal Government approved the formation of Australian Women's Army Service (AWAS).

UNITED KINGDOM: Britain and the USSR protest to Iran about the large number of German "tourists" in Iran.

Only one Luftwaffe aircraft flew over the North-East of England on Sunday. The aircraft dropped no more bombs, but it opened fire on some men working on the main Edinburgh - Newcastle line, one of whom was killed and others injured.

Hull was the centre of night operations by the Luftwaffe. Raided by about twenty-seven enemy aircraft which concentrated mainly on eastern Hull, the central district also suffered. Twenty HEs were dropped including two 1000kg. Three shelters were damaged, residential and industrial property also damaged. Twenty people were killed and fifteen seriously injured.

WESTERN FRONT: The Spanish freighter "Navemar" departed from Lisbon with 1,180 refugees, mostly Jewish, bound for Cuba and New York. The ship was horribly overcrowded as it was only built to accommodate 15 people, and it soon acquired the nickname "the floating concentration camp".

RAF Fighter Command flew Circus, Roadstead and Rhubarb operations.

RAF Bomber Command sends 20 aircraft on coastal sweeps. RAF Bomber Command sends 12 aircraft on minelaying operations off Denmark overnight.

In Portugal, Juan Pujol Garcia, later known as agent Garbo, ostensibly in London, reports to German intelligence he has recruited an agent.

16 AUGUST 1941
Known Reinforcements

Type VIIC DKM U-135
Type VIIC DKM U-135.jpg

Type II hunt class DD HMS LAMERTON (L-88)
Type II hunt class DD HMS LAMERTON (L-88).jpg



Lorient: U-79
St. Nazaire: U-94

Brest: U-564

At Sea 16 August 1941

U-38, U-43, U-46, U-71, U-73, U-75, U-77, U-79, U-82, U-83, U-84, U-93, U-94, U-96, U-101, U-105, U-106, U-109, U-111, U-123, U-124, U-125, U-126, U-129, U-139, U-145, U-201, U-202, U-204, U-205, U-206, U-331, U-371, U-501, U-553, U-559, U-563, U-566, U-567, U-568, U-569, U-751

42 Boats

East Front

Submarine TRIDENT departed Murmansk on patrol. On the 19th, the submarine damaged German steamer LEVANTE by gunfire. On the 22nd, the submarine sank steamer OSTPREUSSEN (Ger 3030 grt) North of Tromsö in the Kvanangenfjord..
steamer OSTPREUSSEN (Ger 3030 grt).jpg

On the 30th, submarine TRIDENT sank steamers DONAU (Ger 2931 grt)was torpedoed (whilst being used in a troop convoy) off Solven Island (Lofoten, Norway).

TRIDENT also sank Steamer BAHIA LAURA (Ger 8561 grt) from the same convoy off the Lofotens. Also in the convoy were DONAU (see above), Vichy CORNOUAILLE , and Ex-Norwegian AUGUST BOLTEN, escorted by DKM DDs LODY and GALSTER, SC UJ.178, and aux SCs Vp.6113 and Vp.6111, joined by UJ.176 and UJ.177 off Nordkinn.
Steamer BAHIA LAURA (Ger 8561 grt).jpg

The survivors from the two ships were rescued by destroyer GALSTER (490 men), destroyer LODY (38 men), Vp.6111 (178 men), Vp.6113 (360 men), Norwegian steamer MITTNATTSOL (200 men), and R.153 twenty three men. On the 31st, Russian submarine SC.402 unsuccessfully attacked this convoy in Kjoellefjord. Some 1,700 German troops were lost with a total of 1,196 men rescued

North Sea

CL ARETHUSA departed the Clyde for Scapa Flow, arriving on the 17th. DD VIVACIOUS departed the Humber for Scapa Flow to work up. En route, the DD developed engine defects and put into Rosyth for repairs.

AA ship ALYNBANK departed Scapa Flow and escorted convoy WN.67 from the Pentland Firth to Methil, where they arrived on the 17th. The ship proceeded to Rosyth to clean boilers.

Tug NESS POINT was damaged by a near miss by the LW at Lowestoft, sank, but was raised on the 23rd and repaired.

Northern Waters
DD LIVELY departed Scapa Flow for Scrabster. The DD embarked the Senior Officer of Force A, Rear Admiral P. L. Vian DSO, and returned to Scapa Flow, arriving that evening.

West Coast
Convoy WS.10 X departed Liverpool on the 15th and the Clyde on the 16th. On the 16th, the two sections rendezvoused. The convoy was composed of liners STRATHNAVER, PALMA, STRATHMORE, BRISBANE STAR, ORION, and PORT JACKSON. The convoy was escorted by RNeN CLA HEEMSKERK and DDs WHITEHALL and WITCH from 15 to 19 August. DDs GURKHA, LANCE, ORP PIORUN, and RNeN ISAAC SWEERS escorted the convoy from 17 to 19 August. CA DORSETSHIRE escorted the convoy from 17 to 28 August, when the convoy arrived at Freetown. DDs BRILLIANT and WRESTLER and corvettes CROCUS and CLEMATIS escorted the convoy from 26 to 28 August. DD VELOX escorted the convoy on 26 and 27 August.

The convoy arrived at Freetown on the 28th and sailed on 1 September.

Convoy ON.8 departed Liverpool escorted by corvettes ABELIA and ANEMONE. The convoy was joined on the 17th by corvette VERONICA and ASW trawlers ST.ELSTAN and ST.ZENO. On the 18th, DDs DOUGLAS, LEMAINGTON, SALADIN, and VETERAN, MSWs LEDA and SPEEDY, and ASW trawlers ST.KENAN and VIZALMA joined. These were all detached on the 21st when relieved by DD BURNHAM, AMC WOLFE, and corvettes AGASSIZ, LEVIS, and MAYFLOWER. The convoy was dispersed on the 25th.

Sloop FLAMINGO departed Port Said escorting a MV SALAMAUA to Famagusta in Serial S.22 of the GUILLOTINE operation. The sloop arrived at Famagusta on the 18th and returned to Port Said. DDs KANDAHAR and KIMBERLEY carried supplies to Tobruk. The DDs arrived back at Alexandria on the 17th.

Submarine TORBAY sank captured steamer EVANGELISTRA (Ex-Gk 28 grt)near Benghazi.

RNeN submarine O.23 unsuccessfully attacked a steamer in 39-35N, 13-18E.

Yugoslav TBs DURMITOR and KAJMAKALAN departed Alexandria to operate out of Mersa Matruh on patrol off Bardia.

Nth Atlantic
HX.145 departed Halifax escort DD BROADWATER, AMC CALIFORNIA, corvettes RIMOUSKI and SPIKENARD, and ASW whalers KOS IX and KOS VIII. The whalers were detached that night. Corvettes ARVIDA and MATAPEDIA joined on the 17th for the day. Corvette CHILLIWACK joined on the 20th. The escorts were detached on the 25th when relieved by DDs BEAGLE, BOADICEA, and SALISBURY, corvettes HEATHER and NARCISSUS, MSW SEAGULL, and ASW trawlers ARAB, NORWICH CITY, and ST.LOMAN. The MSW and the trawlers were detached later that day. On the 29th, DDs SKTA and WITCH and MSWs HEBE and SPEEDWELL joined. DD SALISBURY, corvettes HEATHER and NARCISSUS, and the MSWs were detached on the 30th. The convoy arrived at Liverpool on the 31st.

Central Atlantic
Convoy WS10 X, having arrived from Liverpool on the 28 August, departed Freetown on 1 September. The convoy was escorted by BB REVENGE from 1 to 11 September, when the convoy arrived at Capetown. Corvette AMARANTHUS escorted the convoy on 1 and 2 September. Corvettes WOODRUFF, MIGNONETTE, and ARMERIA from 1 to 3 September. REVENGE was in a collision with liner ORION on 2 September and sustained slight damage to her bulges. The convoy arrived at Capetown on 11 September and sailed on 14 September. The convoy was escorted by REVENGE until 23 September when CL CERES took over the convoy. CERES remained with the convoy until 27 September when the convoy arrived at Aden. The liners proceeded independently to Suez.

Corvettes JONQUIL and COREOPSIS departed Gibraltar escorting ocean boarding vessel CAVINA. Out of the local approaches, the corvettes joined arriving tanker CARDIUM.


Weather Sunny and hot.

No air raids.

1730 hrs Four enemy aircraft cross the Island at 24000 feet unseen by Malta fighters.

0430-0505 hrs Air raid alert for a single enemy aircraft which crosses the coast and drops incendiary bombs just outside the boundary of Hal Far aerodrome. Two Hurricanes are scrambled but there are no searchlight illuminations and no interceptions.


AIR HQ Departures 1 Blenheim, 4 Hurricane. 69 Squadron 5 Marylands on striking force patrols. Photoreconnaissance of Catania port and aerodrome. Four Hurricane fighter sweeps over Southern Sicily in the morning and afternoon.

HAL FAR 830 Squadron Fleet Air Arm 6 Swordfish attacked central quay and merchant ships at Catania harbour with determination and great success; large fires and explosions were observed.
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