This day in the war in the Pacific 65 years ago. (2 Viewers)

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PTO: US troops arrive in Fiji.

NG: Australian troops fight a delaying action in the New Guinea jungles, falling back towards Kokoda, destroying a bridge.

USA: Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) issue a statement that heavy and medium bomber groups will he shifted from Operation BOLERO assignments to Africa for Operations TORCH. BOLERO resources are further depleted by a decision to send 15 combat groups to the Pacific theater.
Alabama Gov. Frank Dixon refuses to accept a US prison work defense supply contract because it bars discrimination. Dixon fulminates against Federal agencies trying to "break down the principle of race segregation. " Gov. Eugene Talmadge of Georgia, another fire-eater, writes that he will enforce Jim Crow laws and warns any blacks opposing segregation to "stay out of Georgia."

CHINA-BURMA-INDIA (CBI) (10th AF): 9th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron, Tenth AF, arrives at Karachi, India from the US with F-4s; first mission is 1 Dec 42.

PACIFIC OCEAN AREA (POA, 7th AF): 394th Bombardment Squadron, 5th BG (Heavy), moves from Bellows Field to Hickam Field, Hawaii with B-17s and continues flying patrols over the Pacific.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Joint Chiefs of Staff): 431st Bombardment Squadron, 11th BG (Heavy), arrives at Viti Levu, Fiji with B-17s.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th AF): B-26s, A-24s, and fighters continue to pound AA positions and enemy troops at Gona as the Japanese continue to push inland toward Kokoda. HQ 19th Bombardment Group and 28th and 30th Bombardment Squadrons move from Longreach to Mareeba with B-17s.
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NG: In New Guinea, USAAF B-25 Mitchells and P-39 Airacobras attack barges and concentrations at Gona and troops on the Gona and Kokoda trails; Japanese forces push to Oivi, within 6 miles (10 km) of Kokoda.

CHINA-BURMA-INDIA (CBI) (10th AF): CHINA AIR TASK FORCE (CATF): 76th Fighter Squadron, 23d Fighter Group, moves from Kunming to Kweilin, China with P-40s.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Joint Chiefs of Staff): Daily search missions over the S Solomons are begun from New Caledonia . 26th Bombardment Squadron, 11th BG (Heavy), arrives at Efate , New Hebrides from Hawaii with B-17's; first mission is 30 Jul. USMC photographers using USN cameras often fly on these missions.
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PTO: Admiral Fletcher hosts Admirals McCain Kincaid, Turner, Crutchley and General Vandegrift aboard the USS Saratoga anchored off Koro Island in the Fiji Islands. This will be the only pre-landing conference of the major commanders prior the Operation Watchtower, the invasion of the southern Solomon Islands. Admiral Ghormley is represented by Admiral Callaghan, Chief of Staff.
After much discussion of logistics, Admiral Fletcher asks Turner how much time unloading will take. When Turner replies "About five days." Admiral Fletcher declares that he will withdraw the carriers after two days to avoid air counterattacks. Admiral Callaghan notes Fletcher's skittishness, but he does not invoke his authority as Chief of Staff for Admiral Ghormley.
During the next 4 days, the 1st Marine Division and attached units will rehearse their landing plans. The rehearsal is a disaster and Vandegrift and Turner are reminded that "a bad rehearsal foreshadows a good performance. "

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th AF): A B-25 strike against Gasmata is repulsed by fighter interception over Buna area. Two B-25 were shot down: B-25C 41-12470 and B-25C "Arora" 41-12792.

NG: B-26's attack a destroyer off Gona but fail to score hits; Australian troops flown into Kokoda fail to halt the Japanese advance and Kokoda is evacuated. 39th Fighter Squadron, 35th Fighter Group, moves from Port Moresby, New Guinea to Townsville, Australia with P-39s.
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ALASKA: In the Aleutian Islands, the bombardment of Kiska Island by the 2 heavy cruisers, 3 light cruisers and destroyers of the USN's Task Force 8, is postponed due to limited surface visibility and the ships retire to Kodiak. While covering TF 8, four USN PBY Catalinas bomb Kiska.

PACIFIC: The light cruiser USS Boise departs Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, via Midway Islands towards Japan. The Boise is tasked with emitting enough radio traffic to create the impression of an approaching American task force.

NG: In New Guinea, B-26's and A-24 Dauntlesses support Australian troops by bombing Gona and targets along the Buna trail.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Joint Chiefs of Staff): Major General Millard F Harmon arrives at Noumea, New Caledonia , to assume command of US Army Forces in South Pacific Area (USAFISPA) with responsibility for training all army (air and ground) personnel. Air units in the theater are under operational control of Commander Aircraft South Pacific Forces (COMAIRSOPAC).

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th AF): B-26's and A-24's hit Gona and targets along the Buna trail, suffer no losses, but cause no damage. 35th Fighter Squadron, 8th Fighter Group, moves from Woodstock to Townsville with P-39s and P-400s. Written off after sustaining damage on the ground is B-17E "Tojo's Physic" 41-2640.
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AUSTRALIA: Major General George C Kenney, commander-designate of Allied Air Forces, Southwest Pacific Area, arrives in Australia from the U.S.

PACIFIC: In the Fiji Islands, the U.S. 1st Marine Division begins rehearsals for the landings in the Solomon Islands.

JAPAN: In Japan, Imperial General Headquarters orders the IJA and IJN to mount an all-out offensive to conquer the remaining Allied bases in New Guinea.

ALASKA (11th AF): An air coverage survey for Army ground operations to Adak and Tanaga is flown. Weather cancels a bombing mission to Kiska .

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th AF): 1 B-26 bombs installations at Gona, New Guinea.
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USA: A combined British and US Production Resources Board is established in London. The goal is to control allocations of material and industrial priorities. Averill Harriman for the US and Oliver Lyttelton for the UK are to be the senior members.

SOLOMONS: PBY-5 Catalinas of the USN's Patrol Squadron VP-23 based at Naval Operating Base Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides Islands, bomb Japanese installations on Tulagi and Gavutu Islands.

ALASKA (11th AF): 4 B-24's and 5 B-17's bomb vessels and installations in the Kiska Harbor area with unobserved results due to clouds.

NG 5TH AF: Eight 3rd BG A-24's that took off from 7-Mile Drome near Port Moresby. Escorted by 35th FG 41st FS P-39 flying top cover, and 8th FG, 80th FS flying close escort. One A-24 aborted the mission, and seven proceeded to bomb Japanese transports 20 miles north of Gona, 1 1/4 miles form shore. The convoy was being protected by A6M2 Zeros of the Tainan Kokutai which attack the A-24 as they start their dives. The A-24s dive-bomb in two waves. The first wave: A-24 41-15797 (shot down), A-24 piloted by Hill (damaged and gunner badly wounded) and A-24 piloted by Raymond Wilkins (the only aircraft to return to 7-Mile). The second wave: A-24 41-15819, A-24 41-15766, A-24 piloted by Cassels and A-24 piloted by Parker all four were shot down. The Kotoku Maru, was hit once at the No. 5 hatch by the second wave, forcing its troops to unload and leave its cargo undelivered. The Japanese ships all return to Lae.

AUSTRALIA: HQ 8th Fighter Group moves from Brisbane to Townsville, Australia.

NG: - The village of Kokoda is captured by the Japanese, fighting overland from Buna to Port Moresby on the Kokoda Track.
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NEI: The Japanese occupy small islands between Timor and New Guinea in an effort to support their campaign against Port Moresby, New Guinea.

ALASKA: The US 11th Air Force dispatches 1 LB-30 and 3 B-24's and 9 B-17's to fly photo reconnaissance and bombing missions to Tanaga and Kiska Islands; the missions are unsuccessful due to weather.

The US submarine Grunion (SS-216), commanded by Mannert L. Abele, is lost to unknown causes, off Kiska. All hands are lost.

SOLOMONS: In the Solomon Islands, B-17s of the 11th BG (Heavy) begin arriving at Espiritu Santo Island from Hawaii where they are to constitute a reconnaissance and strike force over the Guadalcanal- Tulagi-Gavutu area in preparation for the amphibious assault by US Marines on 7 August.

US: The US Navy establishes the Women's Naval Reserve or Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES).

CHINA-BURMA-INDIA (CBI) (10th AF): CHINA AIR TASK FORCE (CATF): The Japanese send about 120 aircraft against the base at Hengyang from which CATF is harassing the Yangtze Valley; the attacks last about 36 hours; fierce opposition by US P-40s prevents major damage to the base; 17 Japanese aircraft are shot down, 4 of them at night; 3 P-40s are lost.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th AF): B-17s attack shipping in the Solomon Sea E of the Huon Gulf and S of New Britain.
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SOLOMONS: US bombers attack targets on Tulagi and Guadalcanal. TF 61 leaves the Koro in the Figi Islands for landing in the southern Solomon Islands in 7 days.
Colonel LaVerne G Saunders leads 9 B-17s of his 11th BG from Efate on a strike against Guadalcanal , bombing the landing strip and area about Lunga Point. From this date until 7 Aug, the 11th BG flies 56 strike and 22 search sorties in support of the invasion of Guadalcanal.

The USN's Patrol Squadron Twenty Three (VP-23) based at Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides, dispatches PBY-5 Catalinas to bomb Tulagi and Gavutu but they abort the mission due to weather.

PTO: A 7th Air Force B-17 from Midway Island, flies photo reconnaissance over Wake Island. The B-17 is Intercepted by 6 fighters; in the ensuing fight US gunners claim 4 fighters destroyed.

PACIFIC: General MacArthur wires General George Marshall his opposition to the awarding of the Medal of Honor to General Johnathan Wainwright. MacArthur was angry over Wainwright's surrender of Manila and blamed him for the loss of the Philippines.

ALASKA (11th AF): 1 B-24 and 1 LB-30 fly weather and photo reconnaissance; weather cancels a combat mission to Kiska.

USN - Lost off Kiska is USS Grunion SS-216.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th AF): B-17s hit Gona and a nearby transport which had been previously damaged, and bomb Kukum Beach and Lunga landing strip on the N coast of Guadalcanal as the US invasion forces leave the Fiji for the Solomon Islands.
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JAPAN: A USN submarine sinks a Japanese merchant freighter and oiler off Japan.

USA, Territory of Hawaii: Ingram M. Stainback appointed governor.

ALASKA (11th Air Force): Weather and photo reconnaissance is flown by 1 B-24 and 1 LB-30 over Korovin Bay and North Cape, Aleutian.

WESTERN DEFENSE COMMAND (WDC, 4th Air Force): During Aug, 47th and 396th Bombardment Squadrons (Medium), 41st Bombardment Group (Medium), stop flying ASW patrols from Hammer Field, California and MCAS Cherry Point, North Carolina respectively.

SOUTH PACIFIC AREA (SOPAC, Joint Chiefs of Staff): During Aug, forward echelon of 26th and 431st Bombardment Squadrons, 11th BG (Heavy), begin operating from Espiritu Santo , New Hebrides with B-17s.

SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA (SWPA, 5th Air Force): B-17s attack installations at Gona and shipping 75 miles E of Salamaua in Huon Gulf. HQ 43d Bombardment Group moves from Sydney to Torrens Creek, Australia.
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CBI: In China, a detachment of 11th Bombardment Squadron, 7th BG (Heavy), based at Kunming with B-25s, begins operating from Nanning.

SWPA (5th AF): A of a flight of B-17s searching for a convoy near Buna is attacked by 10 Zeros. Lost is B-17E 41-2435. 41st FS Airacobras escort B-26s on a mission against Cape Ward Hunt. They shoot down J1N1-C piloted by Tokunaga. 1 B-17 flies an unsuccessful strike against a cargo vessel 5 miles S of Salamaua while another bombs Gona. 64th Bombardment Squadron, 43d BG (Heavy), moves from Daly Waters to Fenton Field, Australia with B-17s; first mission is 13 Aug. Lost are P-400 AP 290 and P-400 BX 232.
ALASKA (11th AF): In the Aleutian , 3 B-17s, 2 B-24s and 1 LB-30 fly a bombing and photo reconnaissance mission to Tanaga and Kanaga and also bomb Kiska ; 4 of the aircraft have mechanical trouble but all return.

SWPA (5th AF): P-400's strafe Oivi and Kokoda, New Guinea. 63d Bombardment Squadron, 43d BG (Heavy), moves from Charleveill to Torrens Creek, Australia with B-17s; first mission is 14 Aug.

PTO: A U.S. submarine sinks a Japanese transport west-southwest of Truk Atoll, Caroline Islands.
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ALASKA (11th AF): 1 LB-30 flies a photo mission and 2 B-17s and 3 B-24s covered by 8 P-38's escort US Navy (USN) tenders to Nazan Bay, Atka , Aleutian ; two 4-engine seaplane bombers ("Mavis" flying boats) and a possible third are downed near Atka by 2 of the P-38's, in their first aerial combat in any theater; weather cancels bombing mission to Kiska .

CBI (CATF): P-40's sweep Japanese HQ at Linchwan and bomb HQ buildings and barracks and strafe transports.

(5th AF) Lost due to mechanical is P-39D 41-7165

UK: In the U.K., the British government charged that Mohandas Gandhi and his All-Indian Congress Party favored "appeasement" with Japan.

JAPAN: A U.S. submarine sinks a Japanese freighter off northern Honshu Island.

SWPA: In Australia, Major General George C. Kenney assumes command of the Allied Air Forces, Southwest Pacific Area at Brisbane. His command consists of 62 heavy bombers, 70 medium bombers, 53 light bombers, 235 fighters and 36 transports.
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CBI (CATF): Japanese aircraft again attack US airfield at Kweilin; notified well in advance by the Chinese warning net (previously set up under Brigadier General Claire L Chennault while he was head of the American Volunteer Group (AVG), P-40s meet the Japanese over the target, shooting down 2, and another is downed by ground fire.

SOLOMONS - USN attack beached Japanese transports and supply dumps on Guadalcanal; destroyed a concentration of seaplanes at Rekata Bay.

RAAF: Lost in near the peak of Mount Disappointment is Beaufighter A19-12.
ALASKA (11th AF): 3 B-24s, 2 B-17s and 10 P-38s provide air coverage for USN tenders to Nazan Bay, Atka ; photo reconnaissance is flown over Attu.

CBI (CATF): B-25s bomb Tien Ho Airfield, Canton, China, causing heavy damage to the runways and destroying several parked aircraft. Detachment of 11th Bombardment Squadron, 7th BG (Heavy), operating from Nanning, China with B-25s returns to base at Kunming.

SWPA (5th AF): B-25s and 22nd BG B-26s pound airfields at Lae and Salamaua.
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ALASKA: A US Naval Force bombards Japanese positions on Kiska in the Aleutians.
In the Aleutians, the USN's Task Group 8.6 (Rear Admiral William W. Smith) consisting of the heavy cruisers USS Indianapolis and USS Louisville; the light cruisers USS Honolulu, USS Nashville and USS St. Louis; and six destroyers bombards Kiska Island between 1955 and 2021 hours local. The ships fire 631 rounds of 8-inch, 3,534 rounds of 6-inch and 2,620 rounds of 5-inch ammunition destroying barracks, landing barges, a moored "Mavis" flying boat (Kawanishi H6K Navy Type 97 Flying Boat) and the merchant ship SS Kano Maru; they also damage 2 "Mavis" flying boats.
The bombardment serves as a diversion for the Allied landings in the Solomon Islands.

ALASKA (11th AF): 3 B-24s dispatched to bomb Kiska return with their bombs due to solid overcast; 4 more B-24s also depart for Kiska; 1 turns back with mechanical trouble, the others abort the mission over the target due to undercast; 1 B-24, 4 P-38s and an LB-30 fly 2 air coverage missions at Nazan Bay, Atka for USN tenders.

GUADALCANAL: The US 1st Marine Division (reinforced) lands on Tulagi, Gavatu Tanambogo, and Guadalcanal islands in the southern Solomon Islands. This first offensive action in the Pacific war comes 8 months to the day after Pearl Harbor. The Marines commanded by General Vandegrift, USMC have
close support from TF 62 under Admiral RK Turner, USN. Admiral Fletcher, USN with TF 61 provides air cover from carriers Enterprise, Saratoga and Wasp. The landings on Guadalcanal are not contested. The islands of Tulagi, Gavatu Tanambogo are heavily contested.
Amplification of the Above:
The Australian Cruiser Squadron, consisting of:
HMAS Canberra; Captain Frank E. Getting, RAN
HMAS Australia; Captain H. B. Farncomb, RAN
HMAS Hobart; Captain H. A. Showers, RAN
The squadron was commanded by a Rear-Admiral of the Royal Navy, usually Australian-born. For example, Rear-Adm Jack Crace (who commanded the squadron at the Coral Sea) was born in Australia but joined the Royal Navy. The Australian naval college only started taking students in 1913, consequently it was difficult to find flag officers of the Royal Australian Navy with the requisite experience. Admiral Victor Crutchley, RN was one of the few officers to hold this command who was not born in Australia. Admiral Crutchley is in command of the Australian Cruiser Squadron at this time and has been placed in command of the transport screening forces by Admiral Turner.

The first Japanese reaction to these landings arrives in the form of an afternoon air strike from Rabaul. Among the Japanese pilots on this strike is Saburo Sakai. It is this mission from which his epic return
flight to Rabaul will begin. He returns alone with only one eye, one arm and one leg in a crippled Zero, 565 miles.
At 1315 hours local, 27 Rabaul-based IJN "Betty" bombers escorted by 17 "Zeke" fighters attack the invasion fleet. They are met by 18 F4F-4 Wildcats of Fighting Squadrons Five and Six (VF-5 and VF-6) in the aircraft carriers USS Saratoga (CV-3) and USS Enterprise (CV-6) respectively. The Wildcat pilots shoot down 8 "Betty" bombers and a "Zeke" fighter while losing 8 Wildcats and an SBD Dauntless. A second attack consisting of 9 Rabaul-based "Val" dive bombers arrive at about 1430 hours local and 5 are shot down by VF-6 pilots and the remaining 4 ditch in the ocean during their return flight to Rabaul.

The 2nd Marine Reg. 2nd Marine Div. landed against the heavily defended Japanese positions of Gavutu and Tulagi in the British Solomon Islands, while at the same time the 1st Marine Division was landing
unopposed at Guadalcanal, My Weapons Company platoon first landed on Gavutu and then, by way of causeway, crossed over to Tulagi where we took many casualties.

NG: The Burns Phillip ship "Mamutu" (300 tons) with a crew of 32, set out, yesterday, from Port Moresby headed for Daru on the western shores of the Gulf of Papua. On board were 82 passengers which included 28 children, who were escaping the more than 70 Japanese bombing raids on Port Moresby.
"Mamutu" was about half way across the gulf when just after 11am on 7 August 1942 the ships crew spotted a Japanese submarine several miles astern.
It was Japanese submarine RO-33, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Shigeshi Kuriyama. RO-33 had left Rabaul in April 1942 to reconnoitre Port Moresby. RO-33 and RO-34 were both later ordered to blockade Port Moresby and guide Japanese shipping into the area.
The Wireless Operator on "Mamutu", Mr. R.J. Furbank sent a morse code message to Port Moresby to advise of the submarine's presence. RO-33 closed in at about 19 knots and caught up with "Mamutu". RO-33 opened fire with its 3.25" (80mm) gun. The first shot hit the radio room and killed Mr Furbank. The second shot wiped out the bridge killing Captain J. McEachern. Others shells hit the hull. Many people were killed or injured in the accurate barrage from RO-33.
Kuriyama then ordered his gunners to fire their 13 mm machine guns upon the survivors in the water. They killed as many as they could which included many women and children. RO-33 then left the scene of destruction. There were only 28 survivors from the total complement of 120 persons. One man, a European Engineer, Bill Griffin, escaped death at the hands of the ruthless machine gunners by pretending to be dead.
A B-17 Flying Fortress search aircraft dropped life rafts to the struggling survivors who eventually made it to shore. The Army signal ship "MV Reliance" which was used by the Coast Watchers, was sent from
Murray Island to try to pick up the survivors. They were unable to locate the survivors.

SWPA (5th AF): 13 B-17s of the 19th BG led by Lieutenant Colonel Richard H Carmichael hit Vunakanau Airfield. Lost is B-17E 41-2617, B-17E "Why Don't We Do This More Often" 41-2429. 22nd BG B-26s attack Lae and a B-17 and a B-25 each attack a submarine in the Gulf of Papua. HQ 38th BG(Medium) and 405th Bombardment Squadron move from Eagle Farms and Ballarat respectively to Breddan Field, Australia with B-25s; first mission is 17 Sep. On a ferry flight to Port Moresby B-26 "Dixie" 40-1496 force lands and is destroyed by her crew.
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SOLOMONS: US Marines finish the capture of Tulagi and Gavutu-Tanimbogo after heavy fighting around 9:00 pm.

Admiral Turner continues unloading Marines on Guadalcanal. The unloading is interrupted with another Japanese air strike from Rabaul. The 1st Marines occupy the uncompleted Japanese airfield about 4:00 pm. This field will be renamed Henderson Field for Major Lofton Henderson, a Marine pilot lost at Midway.

Shortly after 6:00 pm Admiral Fletcher advises Ghormley and Turner that TF 61 is withdrawing. Admiral Turner then calls a meeting with Admiral Crutchley, commanding the screening ships and General Vandegrift, aboard the USS McCawley, AP-10 off Lunga Point.

In the Solomon Islands:
- At 1156 hours, 23 G4M "Betty" bombers armed with torpedoes escorted by 15 A6M "Zeke" fighters arrive from Rabaul. USN F4F Wildcats and an SBD Dauntless and AA fire from the warships shoot down 17 "Bettys" and a "Zeke" but the Japanese severely damage the destroyer USS Jarvis (DD-393)
with a torpedo and the transport USS George F Elliott (AP-13), which is hit by a torpedo and a "Zeke."
- The uncompleted 3,600-foot (1.1 km) long Japanese airfield is captured by the US Marines and is renamed Henderson Field.
- The Marines capture Tulagi, Gavutu and Tanambogo.
- Two of three RAAF Hudsons based at Milne Bay, New Guinea spot a Japanese task force consisting of 4 heavy cruisers, 3 light cruisers and a destroyer heading for the Solomon Islands. The RAAF crews report in a timely fashion but there is a delay in retransmitting it plus the USN brass underestimate the composition of the Japanese force.
- At 1807 hours, Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher, commander of the USN's air and surface forces, recommends to Admiral Ghormley, Commander South Pacific Force, at Noumea, New Caledonia, that the air support force be withdrawn from Guadalcanal. Fletcher, concerned by the large numbers of
enemy planes that had attacked today, reported that he had only 78 fighters left (he had started with 99) and that fuel for the carriers was running low. Ghormley approved the recommendation, and the aircraft carriers USS Enterprise, USS Saratoga and USS Wasp retire from
- From this date through 23 Aug, B-17s fly search missions covering the lower Solomon in order to detect any attempt to make a surprise attack on the forces consolidating the Guadalcanal beachhead. The first premeditated Kamikaze attack is delivered by two Aichi VA1 dive bombers off Guadalcanal. An American troop transport is destroyed.

CBI (CATF): In China, B-25s hit the Canton area, bombing Tien Ho Airfield and other targets in the vicinity and claiming 2 interceptors shot down.

ALASKA: In the Aleutian Islands, the USAAF's 11th Air Force dispatches 1 LB-30 and 3 B-24 Liberators, and 8 P-38 Lightnings on photo and bombing missions over Kiska Island cannot attack due to fog but 6 USN PBY-5A Catalinas of Patrol Squadron Forty One (VP-41)and VP-51, both based at NAF Dutch Harbor, also operating over and off Kiska Island, hit freighters and a transport, claiming 1 transport sinking, and score many hits on North Head and Main Camp.

USN: On the night of August 8-9th is the Battle of Savo Island. Lost are HMAS Canberra, USS Astoria, USS Quincy.

SWPA (5th AF): P-400s dive-bomb Kokoda and Yodda; B-17s, B-25s and B-26s bomb runways and targets of opportunity at Lae and Salamaua.
ALASKA (11th AF): 6 bombers fly armed reconnaissance over Kiska and Attu and hit Kiska.

CBI (CATF): In China, P-40s of the 23d Fighter Group continue to support Chinese ground forces by harassing the Japanese at Linchwan; 4 B-25s and 3 P-40s from the Kweilin-Hengyang area, staging through Nanning, bomb docks and warehouses at Haiphong, French Indochina, causing considerable damage and claiming a freighter sunk in the harbor; this is the first CATF raid over French Indochina.

SWPA (5th AF): B-17s bomb shipping and Lakunai Airfield and Gasmata. Lost is B-17E 41-2452. B-26s hit the harbor area at Salamaua.

GUADALCANAL - US Carrier forces withdrew from direct support but remained in the area to give overall support to the campaign.

During the day the Marines consolidate their lines and defenses on Guadalcanal. Admiral Turner continues unloading supplies and men until he departs at sunset. He leaves promising aircraft for the still
uncompleted Henderson Field by the 11th.

Despite a 50-foot (15.24 meter) gash in her side, the USN destroyer USS Jarvis (DD-393), which was severely damaged by a torpedo yesterday off Guadalcanal, is considered seaworthy and ordered to proceed under cover of darkness to Efate, New Hebrides. Apparently unaware of the order, her captain, decided to steam to Sidney, Australia, for immediate repairs.
Unnoticed by her own ships, USS Jarvis departed Tulagi at 0000 hours local and moved slowly westward through "Ironbottom Sound" and between Savo Island and Cape Esperance. At 0134 hours she passed 3,000 yards northward of Rear Admiral Mikawa's cruisers, steaming to meet the Americans at the Battle of Savo Island. Mistaking her for a cruiser of the New Zealand Achilles-class, they fired torpedoes, and destroyer Yunagi later engaged her briefly, all without effect. The destroyer, continuing to retire westward, had little speed, no radio communications, and few operative guns; but she refused aid from the destroyer USS Blue upon being sighted at 0325 hours.
After daybreak, a scout plane from the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga sighted her 40 miles off Guadalcanal, trailing fuel oil and down by the bow. That was the last time Americans saw her.
The Japanese, however, still mistaking Jarvis for an escaping cruiser, dispatched 31 planes from Rabaul to search out and destroy her. Once discovered, the badly damaged destroyer was torpedoed and, according to Japanese records, "split and sank" at 1300 hours on 9 August with the loss of all hands.

In support of operations in the Solomon Islands, USAAF B-17 Flying Fortresses of the Allied Air Forces bomb shipping and airfields at Rabaul, New Britain Island and Gasmata Island off the southern coast of New Britain Island.

INDIA: In India, British authorities arrest Indian nationalist Mohandas K Gandhi.
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SOLOMONS: Off Kavieng, New Ireland the US submarine S-44 sights 4 IJN cruisers heading for the harbor. At 700 yards she fires 4 torpedos. Kako is sunk. These are 4 of the 7 cruisers from Admiral Mikawa's 8th Fleet, the victors of Savo Island.
Off New Ireland Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, the IJN's Cruiser Division 6, which had inflicted one of the worst defeats of the war on Allied surface ships in the Battle of Savo Island yesterday, are nearing Kavieng. At 0750 hours, the submarine USS S-44 (SS-155) sights the formation, four heavy cruisers, their track less than 900 yards (823 meters) away. At 0806 hours, the submarine fires four torpedoes at the rear ship, HIJMS Kako, only 700 yards (640 meters) away. By 0808, all four torpedoes have exploded; heavy cruiser KAKO is sinking, and S-44 has begun her escape. By 0812 hours, Japanese destroyers have started depth charging, without success; S-44 reaches Brisbane, Australia, on 23

ALASKA: In the Aleutian Islands, the USAAF's 11th Air Force dispatches 5 B-17 Flying Fortresses and 3 B-24 Liberators to bomb Kiska Island targets; fighters and AA down 1 B-24.

SOLOMONS: In the Solomon Islands, the first aircraft lands on Henderson Field on Guadalcanal. The aircraft, a PBY-5A Catalina, is assigned to the Commander, South Pacific Force.

CBI (CATF): In China, B-25s bomb Hankow; afterwards the P-40 escorts, led by Colonel Robert L Scott, strike ammunition dumps and military warehouses at Sienning, causing heavy destruction of material which the Japanese have accumulated to use against Hengyang and other US bases in central China.
ALASKA (11th AF): In the Aleutian, 1 B-24 flies photo reconnaissance over W Semichi and the N coast of Attu .

CBI (CATF): In China, P-40s hit airfields at Yoyang and Nanchang from which the enemy has been attacking Hengyang.

SOPAC: 98th Bombardment Squadron, 11th BG (Heavy), moves from Hickam Field, Oahu, Hawaii to Espiritu Santo ; they have been operating B-17s from Plaine Des Gaiacs, New Caledonia since 21 Jul.

GUADALCANAL: On Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, 6 IJN A6M "Zekes," based on Rabaul, strafe US Marines working on Henderson Field.

NG: Australian forces retreat 5 miles from Deniki toward Templeton's Crossing on the Kokoda Trail. They are approaching the summit of the Owen Stanley Mountains in their retreat towards Port Morsby, New Guinea.
Aug 12th 1942

ALASKA (11th AF): In the Aleutian, 1 B-24 flies photo reconnaissance over Amlia and Atka .

SWPA (5th AF): B-17s bomb shipping Simpson Harbor scoring damaging hits on 3 vessels. Five Allied transport aircraft tasked with dropping supplies to allied troops at Kagi, Kokoda and Wau.
71st Bombardment Squadron, 38th BG (Medium), moves from Batchelor Field to Breddan Field, Australia with B-25s; first mission is 15 Sep.

SWPA (5th AF)Vanuatu - Americans build additional bases in New Hebrides to support Guadalcanal operation.

GUADALCANAL: A PBY Catalina, piloted by Adm. McCain's aide, is the first aircraft to land at, the yet unfinished, Henderson Field, Guadalcanal. On a run from Guadalancal to Tulagi, 2 Higgins boats and tank lighter are attacked by a IJN I-boat. After sinking one Higgins boat the submarine is bracketed by Battery E of the 11th Marines and submerges.
The US forces on Guadalcanal are placed on reduced rations of 2 meals per day. This relatively large ration is possible due to the captured Japanese food stuffs.
After dark a patrol led by Col. Frank Goettge (G-2, 1st MarDiv) leaves the Marine Perimeter, by boat 3 miles east, for the mouth of the Matanikau River. Stories from the 3 survivors tell of the glint of swords or bayonets as the patrol is slaughtered. This incident will profoundly affect the US forces throughout the war in the Pacific.

USA: The US light cruiser USS Cleveland, operating in the Chesapeake Bay, demonstrated the effectiveness of the radio-proximity fuze against aircraft by destroying 3 radio-controlled drones with 4 proximity bursts fired from her 5-inch guns. This successful demonstration led to mass production of the fuze.
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