This pic just makes me want to do evil things to whoever created this abortion!!!!

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I think that Jaguar was from the United Arab Emirates.

Thumrait Remembered

That pink P-40 was the first one I ever saw. I was too young to give a rat's a-s-s about the paint job...
I just thought it was a cool bird. But then I'm as biased about Curtiss products as they come...

Anyhoo, I think Sue Parish, a former WASP, earned the right to paint any airplane she flew however
she felt like painting it. I believe she also had a T-34 with the same paintjob and markings.

You can see a few more shots of this 'terrible' paint job on my P-40 site. There's also a couple'a shots
of this ship when it was modified as an air racer...

P-40N-35-CU 44-7619

I have to update the page, as I've gained info concerning this P-40's wartime service and postwar life
since first putting it up on the site. Hopefully I can do that this weekend...

Fade to Black...
About the P-40, I quess Pink is the new Olive drab... Or a "her" fighter.

But think about how intimidating it would be for a German to get shot down by a Pink P-40 or Spitfire!

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