Was your Ki-100 model included in some Il2 1946 mods or mod packs?
No, I had started playing with the il2 air files last year and I ended up changing so many planes it took me ages to test them, I have a sorted set now thats all tested. I will probably release the "buttons" pack of them at mission4today some time, and also put the raw files up for any other people who make il2 mods.
I think most flight sim gamers just pull and pull because, otherwise, they cannot keep their opponents in sight / in-screen.
I used to play Warbirds online back in the 2000's, playing vs real people is different to AI, I barely had a 1:1 kill:death ratio. Most people just were really good at pulling max. G turns to get the kills but a few times I came up against "experts" who would avoid combat and not go for the quick kill, then they would totally get me out of position and energy and shoot me down, a lot more embarrassing than just been out turned
TrackIR (or similar) head tracking software definately transforms the flight sim experience, been able to lean and look a bit around the cowl when landing is very cool.