Yes, it has gear-down pins. Since it is a civil warbird, there is no excess weight. The guns have fake barrels and there is no ammunition in it. The rear fuselage is empty except they still have the Oxygen bottles (small ones ... light) in the rear cockpit. The modern radio is WAY lighter than a wartime unit (if it was ever so-equipped). So, this A6M5 Model 52 is considerably lighter than a wartime combat-ready unit. I don't know the exact empty weight, but it is light.
Same with the other warbirds. The P-51A is VERY light. A stock P-51A is about 6,450 pounds. The Planes of Fame P-51A is about 5,000 pounds empty. It makes that particular aircraft quite a good performer. Last time they herded it around the Reno unlimited course, it turned a lap at 365 mph! On a stock, non-tuned-up Allison. That's stock P-51D territory.
Same with the other warbirds. The P-51A is VERY light. A stock P-51A is about 6,450 pounds. The Planes of Fame P-51A is about 5,000 pounds empty. It makes that particular aircraft quite a good performer. Last time they herded it around the Reno unlimited course, it turned a lap at 365 mph! On a stock, non-tuned-up Allison. That's stock P-51D territory.