Thread navigation with multiple pages - how to jump to page

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michael rauls

Tech Sergeant
Jul 15, 2016
Yes also the tab/ button to select the particular page in a thread you want to go to is gone. Only the " next" or " previous" tabs remain. Not much of an issue for a thread that has say 6 or 7 pages but for a thread with like 635 pages as some do it could be labor intensive shall we say to get to a certain page you want to see. Perhaps they are in a new place and I'm just not seeing it.
Ok thanks.I appreciate all the effort but just a observation/suggestion. Just left this on another thread but this seems like the more appropriate one. Anyway, I notice that the tab/ buttons to select the particular page in a thread are no longer. Only the next and previous buttons remain. Not an issue if a thread has say 6 or 7 pages but if it has say 637 it could be a bit labor intensive to get to the page you want. Perhaps they are in a new place and I'm just not seeing them but seems like thats a really critical feature to have.
I'm having a similar problem. On my iPhone there is no indication of page number of the thread or how to navigate to even the next page so I'm always either stuck on the first page of the thread or the last page that a post was made on thread that I had looked at previously.

Do you not see the circled page navigation above and below messages?

That's really odd!

I like the vintage Artakus look, so I never tried the Blue (until this morning). It is odd that the Blue lacks the page selection while the Artakus does (on my ipad).

Looks like David has a challenge ahead!
My phone is fine as well though I never log onto the site with it. I get just the individual page number as David posted in #8 when the phone is held vertical...

...but better page control when the phone is held horizontally...

When turning the phone horizontal I only get a couple of buttons on the top controll bar and I dont even get the second controll bar.
Here's what it looks like:

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