Trackends Terrible Tripe

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Chief Master Sergeant
Dec 20, 2003
Ipswich, Suffolk
A mish mash of pretty manky pics


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Victoria. Right in front of the BC Legislature. Nice town, Victoria.
Nice pics mate. You're grandmum lived to 103, eh? Boy, I'll bet she had some experiences in her time.
That's an extremely silly picture of your Grandmother, track. It's great! Which Canarys have you been to?
I have quite a few from that area Skim
All of em at some time or other D


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A bit Eric heres the kind of town me and the missus just love in the states
Wenatachee Washington state apple county
Best steak Ive ever had in the diner next to a pool hall and the most genuine folks I have ever met out there.
Forget the razzle dazzle for me this is how I see the USA my kind of people Eric no bull no crap just a beer and some friends in a bar great stuff .obviously with some piss taking thrown in on both sides :)


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I'd love to go to the U.S. And visit real America, not that tourist crap. Places where people like evan and les are setting themselves alight on a BBQ and cursing the Limeys for being tea sucking bastards. :laughing6:

I want to visit Canada too...but don't let NS know I actually like Canada.
Dont get me wrong Skimm I loved Canada as well it went a bit tits up when unknown to me and the wife we stayed in a hotel near Vancouver park. well how was supposed to know it was a poof place.? it didnt say it in the sodding guide book.
And D you'll get to do more than I ever will your obviously a lot brighter than I ever was a school the only way I got to travel was too work a 80 hour week for best part of 20 years bet you get to the states within the next 5 or 6 years


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Ah, at least you got there. It looks like you had a great time, they're great pictures. Hopefully I'll be going next year, I know this girl who just moved back to Georgia - so I might stay with her for a couple of weeks...

...and we all know what that'll involve!
You know, it's funny. I live in Southern California, but in a place that is tucked away from the big city life. Where I live feels wonderfully small town, like where I grew up in rural Wisconsin. Just ordinary people who don't put on airs or try to act self important.

There are some great towns like the one you visited in Washington all over the country, Lee. I try and stay out of the big cities if I can. I much prefer the quieter places.
I love the New England area, and indeed all of the northern areas of the States that I've visited, all the way out to Oregon and Washington. New England is actually very much like Maritime Canada. The few spots in the south I've visited were terrific. From Virginia all the way around the Gulf of Mexico to Louisiana, although I've never been to Arkansas or Mississippi, and Alabama only briefly. I didn't see much there.

Nice scenery there Lee. I've walked along that path by Victoria's inner harbour many a time. It gets a bit stinky when the tide's out, but it's a nice walk. :lol:
Great pictures. It looks like you've had some good travels. :)
I spent all me dosh on the trips Skim thats why I couldnt afford a decent camera at the time. The hotel at Lake Louis cost us £300 for one night room only with a Glacier view over the lake and im going back best part of ten years ago. mind you the view first thing in the morning at dawn was worth every penny the only thing I didnt like was the pratt who kept blowing a bleeding alpine horn every five minutes to show off the echo, and he was wearing Leder hosen what a knob head.
The one thing I really wish I had done and didnt was catch the sea plane early in the morning from Victoria habour and gone on the mail run
around the Kamloops area.
I tell you Skim next time Im over Im not going to miss anything.
We caught the ferry,drove through Seattle and never even visited the BOEING works.

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