Trackends Terrible Tripe

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I am young, bleeding cheek Les im only a Youngster (sorry I miss-spelt it I ment a Munster) Well anyroad were off somewhere in september but have'nt decide yet Les might get the misuss to come over to the states heres todays offering not exactly globe trotting it took 45 mins to get there by train this morning The london Triathlon, 8000 competitors in and around the London docks. Ill do a double post and stick the stills on next


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Heres a few stills from the event and as we wander off to tower bridge I took some there as well


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One day I,ll go on board and run off a few dozen shots for the site Skim
Thanks for the info on the vids quality Skimm as it was only mpegs taken with my stills camera.


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Thanks guys I hope to give you a insight into some of my life and where Im from. I look upon you as my friends where ever you are from or what ever your age we are on this world for too short a time to not make the most of it .
Excellent pictures! I love those ones of HMS Belfast, I'd love to visit that ship. I would show pictures of where I live but...really, if I went out to take pictures I'd be mugged by the entire population of Doncaster - all at once.
Couple of early forays into the Music and motor racing business


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Hey, I like the steering wheel thing going on there! I wish I thought of that when I had a go-cart.

Ah, HMS Belfast - I went to a 40's dance there.
I got it skim you bum :) It was taken in the 1950,s not the 1850,s My old man couldnt afford colour film in those days so he used to by ex WD arial film and slice it down the middle with a razor blade so it wiould fit his camera.

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