Trackends Terrible Tripe

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You guys are lucky. I think the more south I went was Buffalo... and it was only a "fly-by". I never really visited the states.

However, I don't want to go too much southern... The more southern you get, the bigger the bugs get. I don't want to wake-up with a six inches large spyder on my chest.

At least I saw Canada from Toronto to Halifax... I wish to go to Vancouver somedays...

May be even plan a trip to the UK... Visit London, Dover, Portsmouth, Plymouth, go up a little then take the ferry to Ireland, visit a little then go back on "the big Island", go north to Scotland and then go back south by following the east coast. Ahhhhhh... *The* dream.
some more tripe from me
Egypt Cruise Luxor too Aswan


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Ive been lucky Eric, the following year we went to Sorrento and visited Pompei, Vesuvius and Rome as we drove up to Rome we went past Monti Casino its easy to understand its strategic value every where else is flat for miles around and it looks straight down on the motor way about 4 miles away.
I can well believe why it was such a bloody battle its so steep, its almost impegnable by ground troops and all rock so you cant even make a scrape to get into. I read once that the surounding area was sowen with over 350,000 anti personel and tank mines mines.
Alot of history there. My wife's great uncle received his silver star in Italy. After getting wounded, he returned in time to storm the beach at Anzio. I seem to remember him mentioning Monte Cassino as well.

It's great that you were able to see those things. I saw quite a bit in my first couple of years in Europe. I wish I had seen more.
Cheers CC
My dad is a member of a photography club Eric and as Fords European head quaters is here we get a lot of people from the US living in the area
to cut a long story short a woman whos husband worked for Fords and as it happens he was a pilot in the 80's for the USAAF joined the club she stayed in the UK for just over 3 years and visited everything she could in europe from Scotland to Yugoslavia and saw a heck of a lot more than I have . She was a nice lady and her kids went to a local state school instead of the American school in London. It really suprised me when she dropped my dad a letter and said the kids had joined their new school in Detroit and where 2 years ahead of the kids in their class.
I met her Husband and he was telling how he went to Duxford and standing by a Mig he was telling his kids how he would intercept the aircraft during the cold war after two minutes he looked around and there was a crowd of people listening to him as well as his kids. :)
Pretty cool. On Wednesday, I was talking to a neighbor who recently came back to the states after living three years in Cambridge. Both of her children were in English schools, so they are also ahead of the kids here. What's really funny is that both of her daughters have that East Anglian accent, very cute.

Funny how once you have a little knowledge and start to share it, especially with history, people start to listen. I had that happen when I went to look at a visiting B-17. The sad part is the guys on the tour didn't really know much about it. I was talking to a couple of people about it and the role that the B-17 performed and similarly, I noticed I suddenly had a crowd as well.

Then again, people who go to see these planes and museums obviously have an interest in the history, or they wouldn't be there.
I find it really strange to be honest as the US education System has a very good reputation around the world.
Its a small world Eric when I was in Normandy at Arromanche museum I was telling the wife about the Assault landing craft and the kedging anchors and my fathers experiences ect and I had the same thing as you, people didnt want to be seen to be listening so they sort of slowly edged sideways towards me while pretending to look at something else I thought it was quite funny.
hehe, some are less conspicuous than others I guess.

The public education system here in this country is full of political correctness, sad to say. Some public school districts are better than others. That was one of our criteria when choosing where to buy our house.
It must be very hard getting it right Eric as academic ability and qualifications are looked upon as being number one when getting a decent job these days.

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