Trackends Terrible Tripe

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Thanks for the compliments fellas.
This coming weekend is the Last airshow of the year at Duxford with a mixture of aircraft from the 30's to current so i'll grab as many pics as possible (assuming the weather allows it ) if any of you guys have something you want in particular photographing in detail for your model work ect let me know and I'll try to get a shot for you, a list of the current aircraft at Duxford can be found on the web site.

Iv'e stuck this link to a bit of my local news.
Southend pleasure pier (the longest in the world ( 1 a bit miles)) has gone up in flames again,
thats about the third or fourth time that I can remember which is a shame because it attracts a lot of tourism to the area.
absolutely wonderful pics....I hope everyone has a chance to see other countries and experience people like you have...I am thankful I had the chance to see London (like a fool I ended up on the East-end Docks!!! A complete stranger helped and advised for me to get out of there, later on I found out he was part of a 'gang' run by two very nasty brothers, God helps fools and drunks, and I found out I qualified on at least part of that) and the canal area (forget the county, but I still see the canal boats in my mind and the wonderful people) and was able to really see Canada and Mexico....It's a shame that people base a idea on a country based on what they see in the much it is pure wrong....
Thanks for the compliment BW and I could'nt agree with you more, there a still lots of people who actually believe that everything that they read or see on the box is true most of it is total bollocks. I have had various dealings with the media over the years and the truth falls well short of the facts when old Adler and his fellow serving or demobed mates talk on here its pretty obvious what tripe some pen pushers churn out.
Wait, you mean ... what the T.V says being British is .... it's all a big lie?!
I found this clip on a film trailers web site.
I still think its funny although the film was meant to be crap.


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