Turkish Air Force

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A selection of Fw 190 images, with the odd spitty thrown in!


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Thanks for your effort, a good collection of our Air Force history.

Too bad we did not act wise enough to save one each of these, they would form a very interesting aviation museum.

Bulent - Ankara
It would be interesting to find out whether the Turkish squadrons that operated the Spitfires and Fw 190s carried out mock dogfights to analyse which was the better fighter in their view. It would have been tempting...

Neat photos, by the way.
Thanks for posting!
Here is a photo below from my grandfather's archive (Capt. Cemal Goksever). He took a photo from his plane during reconnaissance flight over the Aegean Sea. The Supermarine Southampton II (I guess the serial number 1301 "1") seen in front of a Turkish ship "EGE" (Aegean) leading to Hatay.


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