'Twin-tailed Dragons' pencil sketch ...

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you think that's sh*t? no no, this, is sh*t..........

by the way, that bet with my dad, i won, the level's now past last year's, which is marked by the line of green gunk around the outside...........


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we're farmers, we're too tight fisted to bet with money, i won pride ;)

and that was in winter, the surface has dried out a lot more, which some people seem to think means it's solid all the way through, people still die falling in these pits, we lost a calf in there a few years back.........
looks like you have some competition on the boards now chico! I made a perfect copy of yours.


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Fantastic drawing of a fantastic plane! I like sketches, sometimes more than colour. I read comics and some of my faves are sans colour.
What are you going to do with it? Sell it on Ebay?
I don't have the time either tho I think I can do something that looks plane-like. My daughter is fantastic at drawing, spends hours on it. No planes yet tho.
Royzee617 said:
What are you going to do with it? Sell it on Ebay?

The original sketch is available on my site ... along with several other originals. See: http://wademeyersart.tripod.com/id65.html

It's fun to collect originals - I have several from fellow artists. If I ever win the lottery, I'll start my own aviation art museum showcasing all my favorites.

just a quick update on the slurry ;) well we were talking about calves drowning in their own **** yes? luckily for the point i was trying to make at least, here's this year's victim, it's not ours but belongs to someone who's renting some of our shed space, they realised they were missing a calf which started a large search (well, i drove around the fields looking for it :rolleyes: ) anyway a few weeks later this rose to the surface of the slurry pit, we think it must have been play fighting or jumping around, when she must've fell into the slurry pit, and in the struggle sank, and drowned... she later rose to the surface, well, atleast we found her in the end ;) anyway there's no point getting it out, and we wouldn't be able to, so there she stays, rotting at a phenominal rate, smelling really really bad........

oh, and if you're wondering why the **** looks lower than the level around the outside after i won a bet saying it'd be higher, it was higher, but as it's left the water dries out of it, and it subsides a bit, think about it, the next time there's a lot of moisture in the air, which you're breathing it, it could've just evaporated from a slurry pit ;)

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if you're interested we just had a cow give birth to two stillborn twins, in order to pull the first around into position to pull it out, we had to pull it's hoof around, although being young and not very developed we kind of... pulled the lower leg off :toothy5: i can get pictures of that too if you want :rolleyes:

and come on les, dry those tears, it's not that bad ;)
i took your silence to mean yes and got the pics, the two dead'uns and the hlaf leg in between, and the joint from where the leg in question broke off :toothy5: don't worry though it was long dead

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lanc, thats some kinda sick fetish you got there, taking pictures of dead animals in ****. I should think the teachers are glad you arent doing A-Level photography...

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