Two Lancs .... and the Vulcan!

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First of all Thanks to Airframes who let me post my few pictures on this thread. I had a lot of difficulty finding a decent spot and then had difficulties with the wire fences which is all to plain to see. But for what its worth a couple of photos for the collection.


  • Two Lancasters Southend Airport web.jpg
    111.2 KB · Views: 134
  • Two Lancs and Hurricane Southend Airport Web.jpg
    40.9 KB · Views: 128
And a few more


  • Can Lanc Close Up Southend Airport web.jpg
    59.9 KB · Views: 84
  • Can Lanc Passing Vulcan Southend Airport web.jpg
    79.3 KB · Views: 128
  • Hurricane Southend Airport web.jpg
    66.1 KB · Views: 135
  • Can Lanc Southend Airport web.jpg
    66.5 KB · Views: 100
  • Canadian Lanc Southend Airport web.jpg
    75.9 KB · Views: 115
  • Lanc BOB flight Southend Airport web.jpg
    65.9 KB · Views: 145
  • Vulcan and Lancaster Southend Airport.jpg
    59.9 KB · Views: 114
  • Vulcan Southend Airport web.jpg
    78.5 KB · Views: 116
Nice shots - thanks for adding them here.
I was intending to go to Duxford this weekend, to meet-up with my daughter, but as all advance tickets were sold out (no surprise there then!), and the IWM were advising that tickets on the gate (for cars) were likely to sell out as the gates opened, I decided it wasn't worth the risk of a 350 miles round trip, plus accommodation costs, if I couldn't get in.
However, there is a slim chance I might get to the final display, at Southport next weekend. If I get there, I will, of course, post any further pics here. I'm still waiting for the shots from my friend, of the flight over Lake Windermere, and as mentioned, I'll post them if received.
Beautiful shots guys!

After seeing the two Lancs last sunday at Portrush, I wish to join Terry in thanking the BBMF and (especially!) the CWH teams for this wonderful event! Even my dad (who's always loved Lancs and got me into WW2 aircraft as a kid) said he will never forget it as long as he lives. THANKYOU GUYS!!!!!!!

We didn't have a snowball's hope in hell of photographing them nicely, so tried to film them (me with Ivett's smartphone, her with a borrowed hand held camera).
VERY amateurish sadly, and alot more distant looking than they actually were, but will post them soon - maybe on this thread if you don't mind Terry?
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Many thanks again Terry, that Vulcan brought back memories of standing guard on the fuel dump at Akrotiri during exercises and the constant air splitting roar of the Vulcan's and Lightning's shattering the tranquillity of our Mediterranean beach side retreat.
Ok - excuse the (very) amateur quality of this, was trying to watch and film at the same time!!!

The Spitfire solo has been edited out here, the Lancs being the focus of this thread. As great as the Spitfire is, they looked like R/C planes compared to the Lancs!

(btw, the aircraft were actually alot closer than appears here, forgot to allow for camera lens throwback )

Location: Airwaves Airshow, Portrush (Northern Ireland), September 07, 2014. (40.13 MB)

View attachment Lancs_Portrush 2014_v2.mp4
Cheers guys, and yep Wayne - I wasn't gonna miss that opportunity for anything!!!

So grateful to the BBMF and CWH for making this event happen, just wish I had been able to film it skillfully for you all to enjoy better.

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