Typhoon photos ( larger file sizes so be patient)

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Great shots Jeff.
Yes Karl, it does look different, even compared to when I saw it at Cosford last October.
A lot of the front end is 'false' anyway, as cowling panels, the spinner, radiator and trunking were missing when returned from the USA after the war. The radiator is 'mocked up' from a truck part, the trunking is (or was) linoleum, and the spinner is a composite, made from a Hastings or Varsity spinner, hence the odd shape to it, especially in profile.

i know but it looks very different to when it was at Hendon, it has been re painted for sure as it had a sky spinner back then, cannon barrels missing now too, but it now looks more like a replica than before, don't you think ?

i think it might just be that Jeff has taken much better pictures than i managed when at Hendon !
here is what it looked like in 2011 when i was there.
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You might have a point there mate.
I noticed the wheels and tyres, and a few other areas too. It does actually look more like a replica, with even the paint scheme looking wrong - I need to check my pics taken at Cosford last October.
Although it would be 'off' to send a replica, I have to remember the article published in 'Radar', the RAFM member's magazine, last year, stating that the Typhoon had moved to Cosford for renovation, and would then be on display there when work was completed. When I saw it in the Conservation Facility at Cosford, it looked different to Jef's pics, and no mention of a move to Canada.
Lack of cannons, the inclusion of 'mock up' RPs and rails, and a few other areas, make me wonder if it's been sent and not fully finished for display, especially with those 'false-looking' code letters. And even the windscreen and canopy look slightly odd.
Hmm !
First off Jeff, thanks for the excellent pictures and for crawling on the floor to get the wheel well shots. Secondly, I agree with all that this thing looks far from convincing as a 440 squadron Tiffie for the reasons mentioned. In addition, why is it carrying rockets?????

I don't understand why a reputable museum would go through the trouble of displaying the world's only surviving Typhoon and yet not bother to do a bit of high-school level research to ensure that the artifact is a proper representation of the real thing.
you know Andy, i never even clocked the RP's being wrong weapons fit !

i suppose as the Typhoon is synonymous with rockets maybe they thought thats what people might want to see, so why not paint it in the markings of a bombphoon instead ?

off the top of my head i dont know if any of the RCAF Tiffies carried bombs or were they all RP fitted ?
What a shame we'll never see one in the air again. My favorite Brutus plane with that Clutch Cargo chin! The sound of those Sabres are spine tingling on youtube!
" ....any of the RCAF Tiffies carried bombs or were they all RP fitted .."

All bombs, IB


I stand corrected as these RCAF photos show .... source Johnny Typhoon, a Canadian Fighter Pilot's Story.


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Here's a couple of pics of her, and her own engine, last October at the Conservation facility at Cosford, when she'd been there just a couple of weeks. At this point, an announcement had just been made about the transfer to Canada, but she was due to go on display at the RAFM Cosford.
Note the matt paint, full AEAF stripes and lack of code letters (which she never wore in 'real life').
The wheels and tyres were also original Typhoon, as shown in Karl's pic, but she seems now to be be fitted with either Sea Fury or Firefly type wheels and tyres, and the cannons seem to be absent from the shrouds.
I'm assuming that the 'green' engine is a separate item, painted and prepared for display by the Canadian museum.
Whether this is how it was sent to Canada, or the changes were made there, I don't know.


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