UK Teachers to stop teaching the Holocaust...

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I am no where even close to being rascist. I just hate mother****ers that want to change our country and lives because they dont like it. Well then go the **** back to where you came from!!!
I agree I don't believe you are being rasicst at all. People who come here and don't like the way things are being done can leave. you don't see us doing it to their country! The U.S. Government should not have to cater to a certain minority.
It does seem odd that if you live in an Arab state women must cover their head and you can't drink, yet Muslims in this country have no such regulations. I'm not saying abandon your culture completely, but you have to fit in with the indigenous customs. Although tbh I take anything reported in the Daily Mail with a large pinch of salt.....
If you go to an Arab country (I spent 14 monts in Iraq and 2 months in Kuwait), you have to completely live to there customs and standards. I expect that and did not question it at all. I obeyed there customs as anybody in there country should. The difference is they leave there country and expect others to change to there customs and cater to them, that is bullshit!
I seem to recall reading somewhere- can't remember the specifics, but the gist of it is that an RCMP officer in BC wanted to wear different headgear than the prescribed RCMP uniform cap.

He took his case to court and won.

Now all Sikhs in the RCMP can wear their turbans while on duty.

Can someone confirm this for me? I think it outrageous if true- this climate of pandering to political correctness is out of hand.
I am no where even close to being rascist. I just hate mother****ers that want to change our country and lives because they dont like it. Well then go the **** back to where you came from!!!

I know, I know. I was being facetious. I think it's unfortunate that if you're unwilling to change your culture to accomodate immigrants, then you're the racist, especially in the left wing media's eye...
Recently, a woman working in British Airways (a christian) was told not to wear a cross on her necklace. While other employees wore turbans, veils etc. That's hardly fair.
Recently, a woman working in British Airways (a christian) was told not to wear a cross on her necklace. While other employees wore turbans, veils etc. That's hardly fair.

It's politically correct to trample Christians, but heaven forbid you do the same to a non-Christian. It's BS.
Muslims are the new communists. Years ago in HS I remember being taught how the Communists wanted to take over the world. Looks like the Muslims have figured out how. And we all will just sit and watch thanks to the ACLU and liberals. "Ohhh you're a minority and need help! Ohhhh"

**** that!!!

I demand Iran allow foriegn tourists to wear bikinis!!!!
It's politically correct to trample Christians, but heaven forbid you do the same to a non-Christian. It's BS.

Christians don't suicide bomb and riot if Jesus's is dissed. If they did, the lefties would first call them facist, then appease. SOP.
Christians don't suicide bomb and riot if Jesus's is dissed. If they did, the lefties would first call them facist, then appease. SOP.

If they did, the lefties would be the first to be maimed.

Here's another one... Go Canada!


Quebec right on Muslims

While nobody was watching, Quebec quietly became the most self-confident province in the country. A series of events over the past few years have shown Quebec to be proud of its liberalism, proud of Western civilization and proud of itself.

The latest involves the Quebec government giving a Muslim woman who wants to be a prison guard a choice: She could either remove her hijab or she could train to be a prison guard. But she could not do both. The woman chose the hjiab.

Predictably, Muslim advocacy groups have been crying racism. "It is an ultimatum, remove the hijab or you're out of here," said the head of the Muslim Council of Britain. "That's not a security issue, this is much more a bigoted issue."

The government stuck to its guns.

"As a security measure, the hijab cannot be accepted as an element of the uniform to execute the functions of a correctional officer," a department spokesman said.

The Muslim Council called for compromise — something that covers the hair and neck that isn't a hijab — but the government refused.

This may seem unnecessarily rigid on the part of the government, but this is not an isolated issue. All across the Western world, Muslims are struggling to fit in, to balance the norms of liberal democracies with the requirements of their faith.

The wisest thing all societies can do is say, right from the beginning, there will be no compromise on liberal values. Muslims deserve equal rights, not special rights.

For that is what is being asked for here. The prison has a policy of not allowing headgear. This woman is saying her faith demands it and an exception should be made. If that is the case, then she must adapt, not Quebec.

This incident follows a long line Quebec has faced with reasonably consistent resolve. First there was the attempt to use Islamic tribunals to settle family disputes. Next there was the adoption of a code of conduct for immigrants by the small towns of Saint-Roch-de-Mekinac and Herouxville. Finally, there was the soccer referee who ejected a player for wearing a hijab on the pitch, a violation of the province's sports regulations.

The Quebec government stood by principle and said yes to assimilation and integration and no to accommodation.

The Canadian Islamic Congress had called for "Smart Integration," a halfway measure between integration and segregation.

What is smart is realizing the North American method of integration has worked for over a century. Canadians and Americans have welcomed and lived in relative harmony with immigrants since their founding.

Where did Quebec get this confidence? According to the Toronto Star, experts say that it comes from an affinity with France and seeing how the French have had trouble with their Muslim citizens.

I'm not so sure. I think it comes as much from fighting for the French-Canadian identity with English-Canadians for centuries. When one lives in a community that prizes identity and community solidarity, when one places importance on identity and heritage because this is the only way to survive, then one learns not to compromise.

If, like the rest of Canada, one can take heritage and identity for granted, one becomes lazy with it and might not even mind giving it up. For a while.

Then one realizes, according to the latest census, that by 2025 Canada will be a country made up by a majority of immigrants. All of a sudden, common liberal values and equal treatment become more important. When 2025 comes along, Quebec will be in the best position of all. - Jordan Michael Smith - Quebec right on Muslims

Islam has been trying to conquer the world since its inception. Look at the history of Islam - spread through the sword, beginning with mohammed. That said, there are the vast majority that don't wish to spread Islam through war, violence, and terror. Unfortunately, they are largely complicit as they stand by and do nothing to restrain or stop those that do...
According to Tom Clancy in Every Man a Tiger, serious issues arose concerning the composition of US Forces during the '91 Gulf War. Specifically, a great proportion of women fulfill roles in today's US Forces which formerly were considered the domain of men.

Issues such as the wearing of burkas, veils and other such bull****, not to mention restrictions on women driving vehicles, were going to be a huge problem when the buildup of US troops started in Saudi Arabia.

According to USAF general Chuck Horner (who co-authored the book with Clancy), the problem was solved when the Saudis agreed that when women were in uniform, they were no longer women but soldiers.

It seems that Islamic states can bend their own rules when it comes to saving their own asses, but when it comes to tolerance of other peoples' laws or rules, within free and open societies, these tolerances are nonexistent.

Islam is using our own concepts of freedom against us, and unless our governments start to wake up to this, it will only get worse.

Hats off to Quebec on that one.

Believe me, praise for anything Quebec does comes seldom. I live in NB, the only "officially bilingual" province, and in my area there are very few Francophones. It's a bitter pill to see all publications in both French and English (mandated by law), all gov't documents, even road signs.

It's made even worse when Quebec's stance is that "every Province must be bilingual but Quebec must not". I betcha if the average Quebecker knew how many American tourist dollars they lost each year just by having unilingual French road signs, they'd change their tune in a big ***kin hurry.
That happened right here in good old Iowa m8, F**kum, they can go back to whatever s**thole of a country they came from as far as i'm concerned, and good riddance

I live in NB, the only "officially bilingual" province, and in my area there are very few Francophones. It's a bitter pill to see all publications in both French and English (mandated by law), all gov't documents, even road signs.

Then you should get out of St-John more often... I've been to several cities/towns on the NB/Québec border, and most of them are full of Francophones. I've been there to try to find a job, and believe me, except for job interviews, I was asked to speak English only once... And it was to an hotel cashier who thought at first that I was English... Until I spoke in French to a tourist in front of her. I won't blame her, though. I thought she was English too. Oh, well...

Man, we are something like 10,000,000 (7,000,000 only in Québec) in a country of 30,000,000 of population. So give us a little more respect, okay ?

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