UK Teachers to stop teaching the Holocaust...

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Reading news like this ( and others already posted by british members) one neutral observer might be inclined to think that the muslims controls the UK in more than one way.
That's political correctness that is killing us... They'll do everything to not offend anyone. Thus pissing off the majority.

Weird things happening recently :

- Hassidim Jews asking a gym in Montréal to "freeze" their windows so they couldn't see the girls doing their workout.

- Muslisms little girls complaining about the fact they got disqualified from a Thai-Kwondo (?) competition because they were wearing a Hijab during the fights.

- Sikh boys going to school with Kirpans.

- Sikh truck drivers complaining about Montréal's port policy to force everyone working on the docks to wear an helmet... They prefer wearing their turbans.

- Muslisms college boys complaining about their school not giving them a room to pray.

- An Imam in Montréal being about to be deportated because he lied to Immigration Canada... He is making a Jihad out of it.


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That's political correctness that is killing us... They'll do everything to not offend anyone. Thus pissing off the majority.

It's been a problem here for a long time. Read almost any American History textbook being used in elementary and high schools today and chances are you won't be able to recognize what country they are even talking about. Filled with politically correct, revisionist history, multi-cultural crap. :mad:
Weird things happening recently :

- Hassidim Jews asking a gym in Montréal to "freeze" their windows so they couldn't see the girls doing their workout.

- Muslisms little girls complaining about the fact they got disqualified from a Thai-Kwondo (?) competition because they were wearing a Hijab during the fights.

- Sikh boys going to school with Kirpans.

- Sikh truck drivers complaining about Montréal's port policy to force everyone working on the docks to wear an helmet... They prefer wearing their turbans.

- Muslisms college boys complaining about their school not giving them a room to pray.

- An Imam in Montréal being about to be deportated because he lied to Immigration Canada... He is making a Jihad out of it.

That definately sucks.
Nothing surprises me any more. Christians and Jews Discriminated against. The Holacaust being denied officially in England by teachers not wishing to insult Muslims. Regardless to the fact it may insult Jews which by itself are a minority group in parts of Europe. I am sick and tired of hearing and reading how Muslims get easily insulted. Jihadist insult me by their very being. I am sick of this crap but know it will continue
You know what..everyone should just go back where they came from!What should we changed our life stile just because of them.If one of us would go to live in an Islamic country I doubt they would change their traditions for us.
To deny probably Europe's most dark times and the event that shaped the world as we known it today is pure ignorance.No people in the world is or was perfect...everyone makes mistakes.
Are you kidding ? The Holocaust is denied officially in England ? I never thought England would fall so low.

No go back to page one and read the article that started this discussion. England is not denying the Holocaust. Teachers in England are refusing to teach about the Holocaust because they do not wish to offend the Muslims.
No go back to page one and read the article that started this discussion. England is not denying the Holocaust. Teachers in England are refusing to teach about the Holocaust because they do not wish to offend the Muslims.

OOops sorry Adler. I misread it. But all the same not to teach the Holocaust etc so as not to offend Muslims is Bizzare by these Teachers. But as I said I am tired of this Multicultural experiement that has been foisted onto society which has turned out to be the biggest farce in the history of mankind. it causes more division then its suppose to alliviate Adler. Is what I am saying. Here in Australia we use to say anything daft it could only happen in the USA. But we were wrong. Its happening every where
I am suprised by teachers not trying to instill in the next generations a lesson from the past. Genocide is wrong wheteher you are gay/ jewish/ gypsy etc.

After the recent atrocities in Bosnia and elsewhere you would think muslims would be intrested in drawing parrallels on lest we forget?

Mind you half of this cr*p is the PC brigade. Some PC local concil decided to pull down an angel(very old large landmark) in a mixed race graveyard dispite protests from various religous factions(including muslims) as they though it might offend.
With us in Auz muslems are defently a problem however one thing that worries me even more are thes forign workers coming into the country. In America do you guys have something called a dole ? It's supposed to function as a system that supports people when they are out of work or going from one job to another. In Auz that payment is around $200 au per 2 weeks. The retarded thing is that some people live on it for their whole lives. Whats even worse it that at the current moment Austrailia is going through a mining boom. The result is that unskilled labour is getting over 100 000 per annum. And the job that we are most critically short on is enginers where in the first year working it the mines are getting over 150 000 a year. And we are importing indonesians on temporary visas to fill in the jobs.
i however must point out that our unemploymet rate is below 4%.
I am beginning to think that Christianity and Muslim are incompatible religious beliefs. Perhaps they should all go home, forcibly if necessary, and all non Muslims be returned from there. Then invent a vehicle which uses no gasoline, and let them go broke. Doesn't sound very enlightened, but, then again, neither are many of them. As to the original story, any teachers who adhere to such a policy should be fired, and made to work in the mines for such blatant stupidity.

hi guys sorry i went of topic for a bit there :oops:
but i still can't believe it. The UK denying the holocaust :shock: :shock: :( :(
That is cold however this is even colder

"Robbie Roberts I am beginning to think that Christianity and Muslim are incompatible religious beliefs. Perhaps they should all go home, forcibly if necessary, and all non Muslims be returned from there. Then invent a vehicle which uses no gasoline, and let them go broke. Doesn't sound very enlightened, but, then again, neither are many of them. As to the original story, any teachers who adhere to such a policy should be fired, and made to work in the mines for such blatant stupidity."

:D :D :D :D :D
Good on you just solved all the terroist problems, let them go back to there own country and let them kill each other instead of themselves.

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