Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/72 Bf 109H-1

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Loved a comment someone made about the 109H-1 on the net Jim. They said it made all other 109s look like their wings are too short
Cheers Hugh.

Googling Bf 109 radiator flaps, I found out they could be any position, even differing between wings, but with one rule: the landing flap should always be in the halfway position between the upper and lower radiator flap positions.
As details differ on exact length of the H-1 upper flaps, I chose not to cut and raise those, but instead to cut and (very slightly) lower the landing flaps, port one done so far to test.

Pic shows the two wings to compare cut and uncut. Note it is work in progress, so not sanded or finished yet.

Also working on the undercarriage wells. Details aren't very accurate, so will probably remove all and scratchbuild the ribs, etc with microstrip.
Cheers guys.

Both landing flaps cut and lowered, now (slowly) trying to make something of the undercarriage wells.
(Try to get pics up tonight, though nothing much to see)
Cheers mate.
Sorry, not much progress recently (usual work and family stuff), but thinned out the inside of the starboard upper radiator flap tonight and applied first glue - finally!

Comparison of thinned and unthinned flaps. Interior of thinned to be cleaned up and detailed yet.

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