Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/72 Bf 109H-1

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One question guys - I think there should be a seat adjustment lever on the port side of the seat, between it and the flap/trim wheels. Am I right? And if so, does anyone have any details of it?
Beauty, cheers Vic.
The H-1 I'm modelling, the type used for military testing in Guyancourt, France, from Jan 1944, were made at Erla, and converted from G-5 production airframes. If the E and G used the same levers, that will be perfect.
Too tired at night to do anything recently, but want to tweek that seat a bit more, plus add a few details to the sidewalls, before I hit it with paint.
Working on seat.
Seat pan getting 'rounded' using very thin sheet styrene (lap belts will cover the join, and 'shadow' with high and low lighting will hopefully give illusion of depth), and seat armour reduced, according to photos of the AWM Bf 109G-6.
Still dusty, not finished yet.


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