Unofficial Bf 109-x GB: 1/72 Bf 109H-1

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If I remember correctly Airfix magazine had a conversion of the Airfix 109G to 109H way way back when Airfix magazines were A5 size (sometime in the early to mid 70s I think) I have a collection of them in the loft gathering dust) not sure where they got their information but it had struts to the enlarged tailplanes and early "G type" canopy
Cheers guys.

Back at this after a bit of a break. Seat armour further refined to final thickness, just needs cleaning up a bit, and Quickboost control column added.

Final checks next to see if anything needs adding before - dare I say it- painting...

Chops...cheers for that. Based on more recent information, that sounds like the H-0 variant Olaf is making on another thread.
Cheers guys.
Yas may have noticed one thing that keeps bugging me... the seat is a little too far back. This stems from me bending the Revell rear wall, which was 90° vertical, back on an angle. What I SHOULD have done was leave that alone, and put the scratchbuild rear wall on an angle in front of it. The seat is now nearly 1mm too far back, very noticable in 1:72!
The seat is solidly in place, so can't remove it and move it forward (I tried). May just move the control column back a touch (if poss) to make it less obvious.
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Well...I did it
Managed to get the seat off (damaging the rear wall in the process), bent the kit rear wall vertical again, and made a new rear cockpit wall.
Was so happy, I fumbled the cockpit floor and broke the control column in 3 pieces (Doh!), but found the bits and will reglue it tomorrow or Saturday. Seat will go back in too then.

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