Senior Master Sergeant
Just a comment recognizing the contributions of two aircraft that took the US military from propellers to jets and from WWII tactics to cold/hot war tactics. The T-33 began its life in the middle of WWII as the first generation jet P-80, as it became outclassed in the late 40s, it morphed into F-94 and the T-33. The T-33 was operational in the AF until the 70s. The F9F Panther started out as a second generation fighter for the Navy in the late 40s but quickly became obsolete and morphed into the swept wing F9F Cougar and then to the TF-9 Advanced trainer, a roll it had until the mid 70s. This was time of massive changes in aviation and these two aircraft helped navigate through those changes. When I went into the military in 1969, had I gone into the Navy, and was good enough, I would have flow the F-9 in advanced training. The AF, which I did go into, had progressed to the t-37 and T-38, both of which I flew so didn't fly the T-33, however, a friend who was transitioning to the OV-10, did indeed train in the AT-33. Mighty planes.
One note: These planes testify to the ruggedness and dependability of the those early British Centrifugal engines.
One note: These planes testify to the ruggedness and dependability of the those early British Centrifugal engines.