Victory Bomber?

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Yes, I vagely remember a project for a big bomber, maybe with 6 engines. Ask Graeme, he should know.

If an old fart like me can do it, why can't you guys?...

Probably because we young people can only push buttons, we are not able to think for ourselves.

I owe you one, Graeme.

When you figure it took 33% of the British industrial effort to produce the Bomber Command force of 1600 aircraft by the begining of 1945, it boggles the mind to think what this thing would've done if it had been approved. 100 of them might've bankrupted the country.
Barnes Wallis's design of the 'Victory' bomber wasn't built as understand it, because Wallis wanted to devote its use to one big bomb! Whereas the Air Staff couldn't accept an aircraft so specialized.

Later, the Lancaster was found to be able to accommodate the grand slam and tallboy bombs. The point being that a 'Victory' bomber wouldn't be able to carry smaller bombs, i.e. it wouldn't have been designed built with the fixtures and fittings to hold a multiple bomb load.

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