Vid Clips from lesofprimus.....

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Yeah, I hated movie maker so much, I borrowed a copy of Roxio Easy Media Creator to try it out. I figured I wouldn't buy it and uninstall it if it sucked. I went and bought it after using it once or twice. The controls, transitions and general look and feel are way better. BUT, you need a lot of memory, or it gets pretty sluggish. Not sluggish enough to lock up, but there will be a noticable pause in some things. But the end result looks great.
Few more....

Daddy my kite got stuck
Roof to roof jump OUCH
***Warning*** Guy jumps dirt bike to his death.... ***Warning***
Weightlifting really does hurt more than muscles


  • Get my Kite.wmv
    1.7 MB · Views: 57
  • Roof Jump NOT.wmv
    359.3 KB · Views: 69
  • bike Moto death.mpeg
    3 MB · Views: 54
  • Weightlifting Bloopers.wmv
    2.8 MB · Views: 70
Jesus. Vaporized. Not a chance that there were pieces larger than a football after that. Likely those pieces were a football field away too.

Gotta love the guy digging up the 155mm with the muzzle of his AK. Brilliant. What were they thinking? Digging up an IED? What about calling in for coalition help, trying to shoot it or placing explosives on it if you don't have EOD handy.

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