Vietnam era aircraft

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Never had much direct contact with aircraft except helos but did manage to catch a few:
Good old C-47 Spooky aka Puff the Magic Dragon; Skyraiders on a mission; Skyraider delivering Willie Pete; SF traveled in VNAF H-34 Sikorskys full of "access holes" and leaking pink hydraulic fluid; C-130 Blackbirds; Later using Hueys inventing air assult; Arming the Huey apparently never occured to the army;Chinook hit by a rocket; Skycrane loading a left-over 5-ton bomb or instant LZ


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Here's a few in UK museums. The Phantom is a genuine 'MiG killer'.


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When I was a student, I didn't fail to watch The Deer Hunter and Apocalypse Now and was much impressed with the dynamic mobility of the HU-1 hueys.
It was a dawn of new style war.
A co-worker of mine went to the local airport (Farmingdale Republic) at lunch today and spotted a C-123 on the tarmac. Fully decked out in Viet-Nam era camo, evidently it was there for the filming of a TV show pilot for a series called "Believe" by J.J. Abrams.

This was the same airport where they filmed scenes for the short lived "PAN AM" TV show with Christina Ricci, and (I believe) a DC-6 in retro airline markings.

Here is another one he took after work...

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Here's a few from last weekend's airshow at Omaka.

Helio Courier

Iconic helo; I worked on these when I was starting out as an engineer.

Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location north of the Plaines des Jarres...

This PC-6 is a former Australian Army example, who used them in Vietnam. I don't know if this one was used in theatre, but it's living at a field not far from me and used for hurling tourists out of its hold wearing only a parachutist for safety.


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