Walmart giving up on Germany!

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
In a victory for small business in Europes largest economy Germany, Walmart is giving up and going home. Walmart has not made a profit yet since it moved into Germany in 1997. They have been loosing more and more every year. They announced yesterday that they are going to close down there 85 stores in Germany. Another company here in Germany said it will hire the employees so that they can keep there jobs.

Walmarts in Germany sell more than just clothes and goods, they also sell groceries and produce.

I think this is great because in my opinion I would rather walk out my door and go to a deli and get fresh cheese and meats or go to a Butcher and get fresh beef or pork or whatever. These small businesses are cheaper and the product is better than what you get at Walmart. If I need clothing I would rather go into town and buy it from stores than from Walmart.

I dont mind traveling to different stores to get what I need rather than go to Walmart and buy from one location. Apparently most Germans agree with me.
According to the article they are pulling out of Argentina and several other European Countries.

I wonder if it will impact Walmart at all. I doubt it because they make billions alone off the United States.
Not its funny, where I live in Colorado there a few local markets are spread out around town, no real corner store type delis or butchers. Everything that is bought at the local food chains are way more expensive than Walmart. The only advantage of the local markets is they are not as crowded as Walmart on the weekends (which turns into a freaking zoo). I'll buy stuff from Walmart during the week but avoid the place on the weekend.

Oh yea, and there's 2 where I live, the one located closer to Denver looks like its in Tijuana on the weekends. I think half the shoppers are illegals....
Not its funny, where I live in Colorado there a few local markets are spread out around town, no real corner store type delis or butchers. Everything that is bought at the local food chains are way more expensive than Walmart. The only advantage of the local markets is they are not as crowded as Walmart on the weekends (which turns into a freaking zoo). I'll buy stuff from Walmart during the week but avoid the place on the weekend.

Oh yea, and there's 2 where I live, the one located closer to Denver looks like its in Tijuana on the weekends. I think half the shoppers are illegals....

My family will buy stuff from Wal-Mart, but I don't like getting my clothes from there. Walmart does have a lot of stuff, including guns! Isn't Walmart succeeding in Japan? I heard a year ago they built one there.
Well they just pulled out of S. Korea as well and Japan is not looking very good it said in the artical.

They are going to try and make up for the loss in Germany by attempting to break into China.

Im glad they are gone. Walmart threatens to ruin the mom and pop stores that I love so much. Good bye evil Walmart! :lol:
It does not work here. Walmart is like an Army, a powerful army! Small business in Auburn and Opelika are slowly dieing from Walmart. But some small businesses manage to remain in buissness because they have stuff Walmart may not have.

Its like that South Park episode. When they destroyed Walmart the first time, they thought it was the end. Few days later, its built back.

Here in America, Walmart has taken over. Now I don't hate or support walmart, because too me, Walmart is both positive to us customers having alot of our basic needs, and negative for driving small business out of business.
Wal-Mart bought out one of Britain's largest supermarket chains, ASDA. But they haven't altered the prices, and it's still the cheapest competitive supermarket chain there is. They have made the ASDA in Doncaster massive though. But in Britain we'll shop in supermarkets, and small time businesses. There's still market days in Doncaster and it's those days that are packed with people.
I couldnt really care less about shops and supermarkets, I dont really go to any. The internet is so much easier, if I want something I get it from eBay or Amazon or some other site. ;) Of course when the time comes for me to get my own groceries ill go to town, but for now I dont ;)
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
In a victory for small business in Europes largest economy Germany, Walmart is giving up and going home. Walmart has not made a profit yet since it moved into Germany in 1997. They have been loosing more and more every year. They announced yesterday that they are going to close down there 85 stores in Germany. Another company here in Germany said it will hire the employees so that they can keep there jobs.

Walmarts in Germany sell more than just clothes and goods, they also sell groceries and produce.

I think this is great because in my opinion I would rather walk out my door and go to a deli and get fresh cheese and meats or go to a Butcher and get fresh beef or pork or whatever. These small businesses are cheaper and the product is better than what you get at Walmart. If I need clothing I would rather go into town and buy it from stores than from Walmart.

I dont mind traveling to different stores to get what I need rather than go to Walmart and buy from one location. Apparently most Germans agree with me.
While I understand the desire to support small shops and people have the right to choose and, if Germans do not want Walmart type stores, that's fine. If Walmart goes out of business because no one shops there, that's tough. However, in a free enterprise type of economy, efficiency is rewarded, inefficiency is not. This advances the standard of living (products per manhour). Walmart has been successful because they offer more product for the money and are able to do this because of volume procurement. Years ago many, more efficent, automakers absorbed small less efficient automakers, putting many out of business and many jobs lost. However, because of this, we can afford the vehicles we drive around today. They provide incredible technology at low prices. And, this stimulates all of the economy thus creating even greater jobs. This story can be repeated on and on. Walmart actually provides a service to economies by being more efficient. To declare Walmart evil, you would have to say the same to most of the business world that provides us a standard of living unimaginable fifty years ago.

I have no complaints about stores closing because of lack of business. I have real complaint about making some stores illeagal. It takes away our right to choose.

DerAdler, isn't there a home grown German department store that effectively does the same thing as Walmart, and is quite successful?
Walmart was not made illegal. It just went out of buisness because it never made a profit.

The reason people do not want to shop at Walmart is because they go to actuall smaller stores and they might pay a little bit more money (not much more) but the product is of better quality than what Walmart sells. Atleast here in Germany.

Yes there is a store called Real which is like Walmart and it is quite successful. There is also the Mediamarkt, Praktika, and ofcourse there is IKEA. There are several others.
Small time shops are generally better quality than super-markets here too, but are more expensive. I have nothing against supermarket chains or department stores, but Wal-Mart better not screw ASDA up!
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Walmart was not made illegal. It just went out of buisness because it never made a profit.

The reason people do not want to shop at Walmart is because they go to actuall smaller stores and they might pay a little bit more money (not much more) but the product is of better quality than what Walmart sells. Atleast here in Germany.

Yes there is a store called Real which is like Walmart and it is quite successful. There is also the Mediamarkt, Praktika, and ofcourse there is IKEA. There are several others.

If the people do not like to shop at Walmart then too bad for Walmart. That is the peoples right.
Adler thanks for posting this as I am going to make a copy for a few business owners in my kleine berg. Wally's decided 4 years ago to put a superstore right in the middle nearly of some small business shop owners. Sadly this over sized organization has destroyed these shops/owners with not too kindly advertizements and unruly so-called professional behaviour. Very glad that Deutschlands people have been smart and given this insane company the finger ............

E ~

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