Were you ever in the Armed Forces (2 Viewers)

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Hey hey guys, take it easy

I was in the army for just 16 months and I left in January 1982!
In Italy the military service was mandatory then, and if you had completed the high school you had the option to file a petition for admission at the aux officer school. The drawback was that you had 16 months of service instead of 12. I filed my forms, passed some test and was accepted.
And since I was a real 'big block' (63 kg fully dressed) I was immediately shipped to one of the most physically demanding destinations. The average comrade was typically twice my size, and since they were mostly locals they knew much more than me how to approach the Alps: I had little to teach and a lot to learn. But I was reasonably good in computing the parameters to fire the guns!
Hey -38...

Ur usage of the word "too" is bordering on criminal.... The ONLY times u use it is as follows....

"There are TOO many people in Manhatten."
"I want to go to the prom TOO."

These below sentences look plain stoopid redneckish.................

"I want too go too the park and pick strawberries."
"Too get too high school, I need too get too junior high."

The proper ways to type those sayings is as follows.....

I want to go to the park and pick strawberries...
To get to high school, I need to get to junior high...

Got it now???
Hi just a quick post to say hello, I'm a serving member of the RAF, I have been for the last 29 years, still got 8 to go, Photographer by trade.
My early trade was based on photographic reconnaissance, we would upload all the film into the aircraft cameras, process the film on the planes return and then produced prints from the film. Great job it got me around the world.

I have a love of wartime photo reconnaissance imagery and have started to build up my collection. I also have started a website showing examples of photo-recce imagery:
Have a look.

Well time to go, I hope to be posting some imagery onto this site very some.
Eeeeeeeeexcellent! Our cadre of service members is growing!
Soon we'll be powerful enough to march on the entire internet! MWAA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAAAAA!!!

Welcome matzos.

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