More on the link to my site shown above...While diving on SS Thistlegorm (WWII freighter sunk in 1941 in the Red Sea) I "discovered" Westland Lysander and Blenheim light bomber parts, parts of a Bristol Mercury engine and several RAF Trolley accumulators. More photographs of these finds, together with photographs of examples at Duxford can be found at:
Since my last posting, I have been back to the Thistlegorm and found that there are more aviation related finds. This time I confirmed that the wreck also has two PUNDIT LIGHTS (including the generator/control trailers) and have added more photographs of the aircraft parts (including the PUNDIT lights) to the site. I also counted around 20 Blenhein exhaust rings and many more trolley accumulators.
I am trying to track down a Pundit light - to get some better photographs of the interior - and would be grateful for any information or where I could find one....