What annoyed you today?

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That the sunny beautiful weather turned cold and foul today. It has been raining hard since last night and has not stopped.

Oh well that means the winter is almost here and I love the winter. I expect the first snow in about a month.
send it here Chris ! were are so bone-headed dry and not at all out of the extreme fire danger though it did sprinkle for a bit. I ran out naked in the backyard and my wife didn't know whether to laugh or freak-out. all she could say was "you red-heads are all alike", with a sexy, bewildering smile

thumbs up E ~

rippin it up !
Pisis I know how you feel mate and thus have sympathy for you.

I am sure as hell going to beat the living crap out of my boss and I am going to enjoy it too.
get on your bike man and rip up the pavement for 30miles. things will look brighter and you will see more clearly. Take it from me it works !

E ~
and . . . . . Old south fudge pie Ice Cream ! YEs I better pick up some myself, guys are treating my house for painting and having to move my wifes garden of pots in any conceivable spot I can find which is few. thought I was working today . . . . . . rats . . . . .
Deciding to drop maths, but then mum telling me im a fool if I do so and that im a quitter, and basically telling me to be more realistic about a career choice...well if shes happy enough to let me be depressed because of maths then thats her choice...still dropping it though. Might take an English based subject instead...
Not sure of the implications of dropping maths, but if it implies being substandard in mathematics for you college transcripts, don't plan on being in aerospace engineering.
i know at one point he wanted to be a car designer but i dunno about that one anymore, but let's face it maths is a baisic skill you're going to need for your entire life, and man does a mathematics qualification look good on a CV, better than photography anyway
Yeah but if you want to become a journalist maths isnt entirely essential God its boring, depressed me to hell and back today. What else annoyed me was theres no way I can do English Language, but ive asked if I can self study it and I've got everything crossed that I can...cos maths is destroying me
Luckily Maths here does not make you something on your CV, they do not want to see that **** on your CV they only want to see if you passed Grade 12 and what you did after you finished school. Maths is only if you took it on after school or trying to get a job that needs maths. Thank heaven I dropped that in grade 10.

Having to wait till the weekend to get a new mobile and now I can not contact anyone.
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