What annoyed you today?

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Must be just you, my brothers arrived fine (he started driving last week) and I don't remember any problems with mine (although it was 2 years ago).

I know, most peoples I know came through fine, but theres no reason for mine not to. Whores.

Ive left myself too much homework to do tonight as well...oh well
it's odd that CC- Toby Dummer's came through in 5 days and yeah CC can you tell our math's teacher's tomorrow that i'm not there 'cos i'm at the Bridge Design Compitition...........
myself and the smartest guy in the year were hand selected to take part in the Cornwall Education Business Parnership's "Iron Giants" compitition in which we compete against schools from all around Cornwall to design a truss bridge, we use the West Point (as in the American Military Academy) Bridge Design program (available to download on the internet) and that calculates the cost automatically- as far as we know so far the goal is to cross a Gorge/River as cheaply as possible, there are hundreds of variables we can change and it's a LOT of fun, one of the reason's it's being held is because of Cornwall's strong links with Britain's most famous engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunell and i'm taking part because i'm interested in engineering and am considdering Civil engineering at university...................
Excellent, Engineering is a personally rewarding field, but university is a bear. Engineers are becoming scarce and there is a real need for domestic (US/European) engineering talent. Firms are actually seeking engineering talent from overseas, so your choice may prove very lucrative for you. Best of luck. Hope you like math. Because if not, university will be one miserable experience.
like maths? i love it, hence i've taken maths AND further maths at As level and shall continue both to A level and of course Physics, it's the personal satisfaction you get when you solve something which makes me love maths/physics/engineering so much..........
Maths annoyed me. Our sonofabitch teacher is so monotonous and droning i tried to get the blade from my pencil sharpener and end it all. And the assistant teacher f*cking stank to hell
CC why the hell did you take maths in the first place?

Getting the flu and my friend being a @sshole about it and wanting me to work while being ill. He just thinks about himself at times.
CC why the hell did you take maths in the first place?

I didnt know what I wanted to do for a career, so I thoguht oh lets take the safe option and do Maths, Chemistry and Physics (as well as History and Photography). Why I thought I could stick maths for 2 more years...never liked it
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