What annoyed you today?

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The fact that it was warm eneogh for the first snow today not to stick to the ground.

Thats okay though because it is getting colder which means winter has finally arrived. Late but it has arrived. Tomorrow it is not supposed to be more than 3 C. Soon the snow will be sticking.
What annoyed me happened yesterday when I went to work. We had to clean entire plant for three days of tours coming through and as first shift had already cleaned there wasn't anything to do but stand around with our thumbs up our..... Totally boring.
The f*cking drunk street bum standing to near me with his breath so full of alcohol that he could have made me drunk by the fumes and talking a lot of bullsh*t and when I asked him to f*ck off very kindly he still kept on with his sh*t and I was ordering me some food not in the mood for his cr*p so I told him to f*ck off or I will make him, so he finally did but he just ruined my very nice and perfect day.
My son. At 7 years old he is so worried about his physical appearance before school. He was bent out of shape because he couldn't "get his hair just right". I told him to quit acting like girl. What is wrong with today's youths!
in the western world kids are so obsessed with stars and icons of popular culture it's rediculous! but can you blame them when it's the adults are the ones that're really going crazy for them! i don't belive in going crazy over famous people for a number of reasons, principally the fact it's really quite sad!

what annoyed me- being set physics coursework- for a month's time!
I wish it was just something he has learned. No this is just his personality I'm afraid. He's anal-rententive, a neat freak, and crazy smart like I have never seen in a kid. He is also unstoppable on the soccerfield.
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